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Name: Mark Lodge
Email: MarkLodge99@hotmail.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 31 Dezember, 2003 um 12:32:50
Kommentar: This is the first time I have seen this site, great job! I was a Plane Captain in VF-302 from 1990-93. Have you ever thought of putting up a page for P.C.'s? Just an idea...Thanks.
Mark Lodge
Name: Ken Gray
Email: kenkdmdtt@adelphia.net
Datum: Samstag, 27 Dezember, 2003 um 16:06:06
Kommentar: Member of the original cadre. There for first F-14 delivered to fleet. Transitioned VF-124 from F-8s to F-14 awaiting standup of VF-1. Participated in first pre-deployment carrier quals VF-1 as Maintenance Chief onbd Enterprise.
Name: Jim Vallely
Email: jimvallely@hotmail.com
Datum: Freitag, 26 Dezember, 2003 um 00:03:47
Kommentar: My uncle, Don Evans, was
one of the F14 test pilots. Any information you have about him would be greatly appreated.
Name: Steve Gucinski
Email: sgucinski@packagingcorp.com
Datum: Dienstag, 23 Dezember, 2003 um 23:24:24
Kommentar: This is a most excellent site. Thank you for your hardwork and efforts.
Name: Otto
Email: wichconres@iwon.com
Datum: Montag, 22 Dezember, 2003 um 06:42:22
Kommentar: There is much interest in the F-14 as it approaches eminent retirement. Supposedly, during the 1970's when the Shah of Iran was overthrown, 48 of Iran's Tomcats were flown out to Israel. I couldn't find anything more to substantiate this claim. If it was ture, that would support U.S. desire to keep the awesome F-14 out of Soviet hands. Though its probably likely the Iranians donated one of their F-14s for Soviet military aid.
I honestly believe that the F-14 was its worst enemy. Those unreliable TF30 engines caused many to Tomcats to be lost, and compromised performance. Its high cost and cost of flying one didn't help either. Had the Navy delayed the F-14 program to get the proper engine, perhaps the Tomcat would not been canceled back in 1992.
Giving the Tomcat bombing capability early in its career, and taking over the A-6 Intruder might have extended its service life. Remember, when the A-6 Intruder were prematurely retired, the Navy lost a long range bomber.
Foreign adoption might have bought time for the Tomcat. The British should have know that the F-14 is a far better aircraft than their TORNADO ADV. Getting Saudi Arabia to buy Tomcats instead of Eagles would have been a better idea.
Finally, at the least, more F-14Ds should have been bought, perhaps two dozen more as "attrition" aircraft. Because the Tomcat can never be built again since all tooling were destroyed. That was very stupid, because new Tomcats might be what the nation needs after all!
Name: Dodie Mytko Clark
Email: Dorraine1969@aol.com
Datum: Sonntag, 21 Dezember, 2003 um 21:54:56
Kommentar: My Dad, William R. Mytko, was an egress tech at Grumman. He started in 1949 and retired in 1992. He was in on the Tomcat's birth! I enjoyed the site and can't wait to visit the museum next time I'm in NY.
Name: L. Scott
Email: lizardscott@aol.com
Datum: Samstag, 20 Dezember, 2003 um 01:12:39
Kommentar: I am looking for a certain VF-32 emblem/sticker. I am having a difficult time trying to locate it. It is a large sticker split into three parts. It has a top banner, the shield, the lion, and a bottom banner...it is an older version of the current ones...any idea???
Name: Mark Altice
Email: tomcat_mark@hotmail.com
Datum: Freitag, 19 Dezember, 2003 um 17:29:47
Kommentar: Great site. Best I've seen.
Name: John Carney
Email: johncar102@aol.com
Datum: Freitag, 19 Dezember, 2003 um 03:58:48
Kommentar: Great site! you offfer more information dealing with Tomcats then any other the web. I was attached to VF-102 from 81 to 84 I am looking for some old squardon mates. Jeff Baxter I heard he made AME CPO. Jeff Martin who live in New Jersey. Robert(Bob)Batemen who was in VF-33 and involved with the EOD. If you have any information regarding these guys please let me know
Name: Sterrett Henderson
Email: sch1941@charter.net
Datum: Mittwoch, 17 Dezember, 2003 um 19:02:55
Kommentar: Impressed with web page...Just being curious...Does anyone know what happen to the F14s that where left in Iran???
Name: bud
Email: peekapoo02@cablerocket.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 17 Dezember, 2003 um 19:02:51
Kommentar: ihave some books that someone might want.
Name: bud
Email: peekapoo02@cablerocket.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 17 Dezember, 2003 um 18:57:58
Kommentar: ihave some books that someone might want.
Name: MUGU
Datum: Montag, 15 Dezember, 2003 um 17:10:45
Email: billfosterstanley@yahoo.com
Datum: Samstag, 13 Dezember, 2003 um 17:28:00
Kommentar: Hi! I served with VF-2 during DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM; I flew many a T.A.R.P.S. mission all over IRAQ in 1991 and again 2 years later with VMFA-312.
Name: Jon Boyce
Email: jon@abcosecurity.net
Datum: Donnerstag, 11 Dezember, 2003 um 17:56:55
Kommentar: stationed with VX-4 1977-79. Top gun, Yuma, Nellis<
Name: wayne fariss
Email: wickedpaintball@hotmail.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 10 Dezember, 2003 um 03:29:31
Kommentar: hello, i had sent you an email concerning a photo of a tomcat on deck aftera landing. it turns out after i did some searching that this is aircraft #200 of vf-142 ghostriders. which was on the u.s.s. eisenhower. this photo was give to me by a friend of the family about 20 yrs ago and it is in perfect shape as you can tell by the attached photo with email. if possible i would like to trade with you for a squadron print of vf-142, vf-103, vf-154 or vf-41. please contact me via email concerning this. thank you for your time, wayne fariss p.s. i also enclosed my address with email i had sent with pic. if you would like this pic please let me know how to get it to you.. w.f.
Name: Lefty leffakis
Email: leffakc@vf103.navy.mil
Datum: Dienstag, 9 Dezember, 2003 um 02:43:23
Kommentar: Fighters always!!!!!!
Name: B.S.
Email: 6plmb2wp.pl
Datum: Sonntag, 7 Dezember, 2003 um 23:08:24
Kommentar: I'm from Poland and I hawe fotos of ours SU-22M4/UM3
Name: B.S.
Email: 6plmb@wp.pl
Datum: Sonntag, 7 Dezember, 2003 um 23:07:12
Kommentar: I'm from Poland and I hawe fotos of ours SU-22M4/UM3
Name: B.S.
Email: 6plmb@wp.pl
Datum: Sonntag, 7 Dezember, 2003 um 23:01:54
Kommentar: Dobra strona zdjêcia œwietne oby tak dalej!
salutefrom 6Fighter-Bomber Regiment Pi³a >
Email: stanleysbillf@netscape.net
Datum: Mittwoch, 3 Dezember, 2003 um 15:43:40
Kommentar: I served with VF-2 durong DESERT STORM on the U.S.S.RANGER.
Name: Paul Skvarka
Email: alby502@yahoo.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 3 Dezember, 2003 um 12:50:29
Kommentar: A very nice website! Obviously a loabor of love for an F-14 enthusiast. Thank you!
Name: Phil Kovaric
Email: pkovaric@cox.net
Datum: Sonntag, 30 November, 2003 um 07:11:18
Kommentar: Are you interested in any F-14 photos after they have reired?
Name: Ken Olsen
Email: kolsen@nccw.net
Datum: Sonntag, 30 November, 2003 um 04:49:36
Kommentar: I am a R/C model builder and I'm planning to build a TBM Avenger this winter. I'm trying to gather as many pics and detailed drawing possible. Can you help or direct me.
P.S. You have a very professional web sight. The F-14 is my favorite modern day fighter. Hard to believe its over 25 years old.
Email: andersonvinicios@hotmail.com
Datum: Freitag, 28 November, 2003 um 21:57:59
Kommentar: eu sou brasileiro e achei o seu site o mais completo e abrangente do mundo parabens
Name: Mike Wasson
Email: wassonmd@comcast.net
Datum: Samstag, 22 November, 2003 um 02:03:12
Kommentar: The history on VF-1 did not include the westpack cruise from April 4, 1978 through October 29, 1978 aboard the USS Enterprise. I was assigned to VF-1 during this time.
Name: Raymond Borrelli
Email: raymond_borrelli@ahm.honda.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 20 November, 2003 um 00:16:04
Kommentar: Hello,
My father Ettore Borrelli Jr.was flight test eng @ Calverton 41yrs, Grandfather Ettore BorrelliSr. Bethpage 35,Me Ray Borrelli, USN VF-11 83-86 , Grumman,Calverton 5Yrs, Now American Honda Motor Co.
Datum: Mittwoch, 19 November, 2003 um 18:25:07
Name: Steven Molter
Email: smolter@nc.rr.com
Datum: Dienstag, 18 November, 2003 um 18:25:40
Kommentar: Great website! I was in VF-51 from 1987 to 1990. Thanks for keeping these great historical documents in the public domain.
Steve Molter
Name: Dennis Chronister
Email: navycwo2@hotmail.com
Datum: Samstag, 15 November, 2003 um 00:58:06
Kommentar: Aviation Electronics Tech, served in VF51 86-90, VF154 93-95, VF2 95-97.
Datum: Freitag, 14 November, 2003 um 10:30:53
Name: Josh P
Email: maverickwave17@yahoo.com
Datum: Freitag, 14 November, 2003 um 03:49:07
Kommentar: Awsome website love the pics shows the great and true history of the F-14
Datum: Freitag, 31 Oktober, 2003 um 15:18:22
Name: Joe Anderson
Email: joseph_3@msn.com
Datum: Montag, 27 Oktober, 2003 um 07:18:49
Kommentar: I enjoyed the site and found it quite interesting. I was abord VF-41 as an AD from Early 1976 to just prior to the rescue attempt in 1979 when I mustered out. I filled mech, plane captain and trouble shooter bilets on both day and night watches. I find it interesting you have no prints avaialble of VF-41 F-14A models from that time period. As a "Tweeker" you might want to add that during our first deployment aboard USS Nimitz we were the first fleet squadron to get our TF-30-P412/414 engines to 500 hours, West or East coast! I have the award pin from P&W to prove it. That was also the cruise for the first F-14 "crash" abord Nimitz, again by VF-41. Triple Stix (AJ/111) came back off a dusk hop at night and missed a wave off. I was plane captain on 107 when the night lit up. No one was hurt seriously as I remember, the RIO came down in the ships ALQ100 antena. The marker lights on 111 worked well under water on emergency, startling actualy. Thanx again, the site brought back lots of memories about the bird I learned so well.
Name: jim cobb
Email: jamescobb@peoplepc.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 22 Oktober, 2003 um 01:04:56
Kommentar: I would like to purchase the VF-201
and the F-14prints how much$$ and how do I pay and when can I expect delivery?????
Name: jim cobb
Email: jamescobb@peoplepc.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 22 Oktober, 2003 um 00:51:04
Kommentar: if I buy 2 prints is the postage
x 2 or is it 1 postage charge
Name: Howard Elzey
Email: wolfpack21643@yahoo.com
Datum: Samstag, 11 Oktober, 2003 um 02:27:39
Kommentar: I'm a former VF-1 plane capitan (91 to 93) And then moved on to VF-213. I was the plane capitan on Kara Hultgreen's F-14 the day it crashed and killed her.(she was the first woman fighter piolt)
Name: Ronnie Brown II
Email: rbrown1@vupipeline.vinu.edu
Datum: Freitag, 10 Oktober, 2003 um 00:46:35
Kommentar: VF-32 91-93, VF-14 94-96, VF-154 96-98, VX-23 98-00, VF-102 00-02, VF-101 02
Name: Ronnie Brown II
Email: rbrown1@vupipeline.vinu.edu
Datum: Freitag, 10 Oktober, 2003 um 00:43:51
Kommentar: Doo Doo is still alive
Name: Nick
Email: nmitrani@fit.edu
Datum: Donnerstag, 9 Oktober, 2003 um 05:24:23
Kommentar: I believe I may have some photos that you may be interested in. They're not of the F-14s them selves, but of the actual crash site where the first one crashed some 30 years ago. I used to live about 2 or 3 miles south of the Calverton, NY plant, and as a kid remember seeing E-2s and F-14s fly over all the time. Anyway, the crash site is basically a big sand pit, in which people have recently started planting pine tree saplings, I guess trying to regrow it. I ride my ATV in there now. The one problem is, that th epictures are at my house in New York, and I am currently attending college in Florida. I am coming home for Thanksgiving, and I could send them to you then , and would be proud if they were included in your site.
Name: Luciano
Email: snowcapp34@yahoo.com
Datum: Dienstag, 30 September, 2003 um 04:41:23
Kommentar: Enjoy your site
Name: Chuck Marlow (VF-142 Troubleshooter 1975-1978)
Email: BigChuck55@yahoo.com
Datum: Freitag, 26 September, 2003 um 22:57:36
Kommentar: First I would like to say Hi to my favorite Pilot and Friend!! Hi Mr. Snodgrass and how are you doing? I really miss everyone from our Squadron, we were like a family. Its a shame we can`t have some kind of reunion. I have tried to locate alot of people but its like trying to find a needle in a haystack. To help you remember me I was on the detachment in Sicily to fix one of our planes that had caught on fire. When you test flew it you came over the airfield and broke the sound barrier. Do you ever hear from Mr. Myrick, Mr. Emory Brown or any of the pilots from Vf-142. By the way who ever runs this web site i have alot of really nice pictures. I also have a photo from my cruise book of the first Intersept of a Russian Bear. Mr. Snodgrass was the pilot and I was the troubleshooter that morning. Need anything drop me an email.
Name: Doc Waldrop
Email: dwaldrop@hitechrent.com
Datum: Dienstag, 23 September, 2003 um 04:41:35
Kommentar: Enjoyed your site. I was plank owner of VF-1 and helped paint many of our squadron aircraft when we first started taking delivery. I still have some of the large and small decals used for the wolf's head. It was easier to apply than trying to paint them. Anyway, enjoyed your site.
Name: amir
Email: salar_313@yahoo.com
Datum: Freitag, 19 September, 2003 um 09:31:33
Kommentar: it is good plan
Name: Susan Fuller
Email: mspalmbeachpi@aol.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 18 September, 2003 um 02:38:20
Kommentar: I need some help. My father was in the air force in the early 60's and died of brain cancer two years ago, the type of cancer that most of the Pratt & Whitney employees are suffering from. Could it be possible to link his cancer from being in the air force? I don't know much about the planes when he was in the air force but i would like to find out. thanks
Name: Dwaine Howell
Email: dhowell25@sbcglobal.net
Datum: Dienstag, 16 September, 2003 um 03:12:37
Kommentar: Great site. I enjoy all the information here. I've worked with the F14 for 32 years and it's been a great job.
Name: Rudy Preus
Email: stellarimages@shaw.ca
Datum: Montag, 8 September, 2003 um 00:45:48
Kommentar: I am a retired Canadian Air Force pilot. My hobby is Stained Glass and my Three Dimensional Stained Glass Aircraft may be of interest to your guests. If anyone wishes to view my work, please visit me at http://members.shaw.ca/stellarimages
Name: Ted Robbins
Email: mlrtwo212@juno.com
Datum: Sonntag, 7 September, 2003 um 06:26:38
Kommentar: looking for old squadron mates VF-1 83-86 / VF-142 89-93 / VF-14 96-01.
Name: Robert Lysen
Email: rlysen2@yahoo.com
Datum: Freitag, 5 September, 2003 um 21:36:00
Kommentar: Love the MATS web site. I am an F-14 Tech Data Specialist at NADEP Jax and find this site very useful sometimes. Thanks!
Name: George Ward - Cleveland, OH
Email: iaff2291@aol.com
Datum: Montag, 1 September, 2003 um 18:11:39
Kommentar: Recently talked with Rub & Updog at the 2003 Cleveland Air Show. I wish I knew their aircraft number, but, I know they are part of the VF-213 Blacklion squadron. I am trying to locate pics of them and their aircraft. Also: if anyone knows their email adress, would greatly appreciate it. Thanks and stay safe. George Ward, Cleveland, Ohio.
Name: Tim Pierce
Email: hoofhearted58@yahoo.com
Datum: Samstag, 30 August, 2003 um 16:56:28
Kommentar: Excellent site.
AMH3 VF-101 GRIM REAPERS 1977-1981
Name: Dna_crew
Email: dnacrew@freemail.hu
Datum: Dienstag, 26 August, 2003 um 14:56:26
Kommentar: Great site and tons of very useful informations. Keep it up!
Greetings from Hungary.
Name: Russ Tucker
Email: ducksplus2@yahoo.com
Datum: Sonntag, 24 August, 2003 um 05:50:48
Kommentar: AME-2 VF-84 Aug1975-AUG1979 I had the time of my life riding flat-tops with the Jolly Rogers my main buds David Hay & "Rut" Rutledge I should have stayed in.
Name: Eric Cline
Email: MrBWCline@aol.com
Datum: Freitag, 22 August, 2003 um 19:40:50
Kommentar: This by far the Best F-14 Website on the net, and definetly my favorite. I was wondering if I could become a member of the F-14 Tomcat association even though I've never actually flown the Tomcat or been in the Navy?
Name: Jorge Landeo
Email: jlandeo@yahoo.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 20 August, 2003 um 15:43:15
Kommentar: Great website, I love the pictures and the reference information. I am a big F-14 Tomcat fanatic ever since I saw TopGun. But Tomcats are more than just that, they are a way of life. My uncle, who works for the Peruvian Airforce, brought me close to a jetfighter when I was a kid and that was a very memorable experience. If I ever had to chose another profession, it would be as an fighter pilot.
Name: Tim Barber
Email: kapitol@kua.net
Datum: Montag, 18 August, 2003 um 04:29:12
Kommentar: F-14 Iran program June 75 to Feb 79 ,plane captain Isfahan
Name: philip
Email: irishprince8@aol.com
Datum: Montag, 11 August, 2003 um 06:50:15
Kommentar: I thought VF2 was transfered to nas lemoore for f/a18f upgrade
Name: J.D.B."Doc" Hicks
Email: a6docrocks@hotmail.com
Datum: Montag, 11 August, 2003 um 03:08:08
Kommentar: Currently with VF-154 Black Knights, since May '99. VX-9 DET PT. Mugu from OCT '96 to OCT '98. Linked to your site from the A6 Assoc. site. Take care & Thanks! AT1(AW)Doc Hicks
Name: Ben Powers
Email: fasteagle51@yahoo.com
Datum: Freitag, 8 August, 2003 um 23:39:19
Kommentar: Update from NSAWC, A/C 11/ 158630 flew into Fallon June of last year, it sat in the hangar until about a month ago to have parts of the 569 bulkhead removed to see why it cracked. The aircraft is currently sitting on palets awaiting the scrap yard. According to the Navy, what we have flying at the end of October will be flow away.
Name: michael j smith
Email: becky8755@worldnet.att.net
Datum: Freitag, 8 August, 2003 um 22:09:57
Kommentar: I was in VF-1 from 1982-85, Top Gun 1985-89, VP-17 1989-1992, VF-124 1992-95, VF-101 1995-96, VF-11 1996-99. CAG Staff 1999-01, HS-10 2001-02. Just wondering if you have squadron patches from the Tomcat squadrons I was in and photos for sale.
Name: paolo tavilla
Email: drpaolotavilla@yahoo.it
Datum: Dienstag, 5 August, 2003 um 15:24:45
Kommentar: up there, with the best of the best!!!
Name: Neshav Nirmal
Datum: Samstag, 2 August, 2003 um 14:11:57
Kommentar: Are there any plans to keep at least one F-14 flying after those fools at the navy retire it? I heard the USN wants to drone the F-14 and use them to replace QF-4s. The USN has really lost the plot! This also goes against their reasoning that F-14 is being retired early cause of lack of airframe life. Anytime Baby!
Name: terry mccoy
Email: twmccoy2002@yahoo.com
Datum: Freitag, 1 August, 2003 um 22:48:01
Kommentar: Greetings.
Got this site from ARC(aircraftresourcecenter.com),but you probably know that.
Want to checkout details,as did the post on ARC for 'B'and 'D'differances.
Fave unit VF-31!!
Name: Brad Clowdis
Email: clowdisbrad@yahoo.com
Datum: Freitag, 25 Juli, 2003 um 20:23:25
Kommentar: Very nice page!
Name: Will Warden (AT-3 1989-93 VX-4)
Email: williamwarden@earthlink.net
Datum: Donnerstag, 17 Juli, 2003 um 16:26:29
Kommentar: Any Former Evaluators out there? Drop me a line.
Datum: Dienstag, 15 Juli, 2003 um 13:37:24
Name: George Cepeda
Email: geocepeda@hotmail.com
Datum: Samstag, 12 Juli, 2003 um 13:44:45
Kommentar: I just read your specifications page and have a few things to add that I've read over the years from various F-14 books and Aviation Week & Space Technology:
G-limits: the Tomcat currently has a peacetime limit of +6G's to extend airframe life. This has been noted time and time again in Aviation Week (early 1990s) and a few of the newer Tomcat books published since the late 1990's. During the tests of the F-14 prototypes in the early 1970s, it was determined the Tomcat COULD under certain loadings (reduced fuel, weapons) pull +9G's safely... The structural test plane pulled +9.5Gs, -5.5Gs... This was documented in an AeroFax book published in 1974 or 1975. The original design spec of the Tomcat called for +7.34G's.
Speed: The Tomcat is usually listed as capable of Mach 2.34 speed... The original specification and design speed was actually for Mach 2.4, BUT one of the prototypes actually achieved Mach 2.6 (roughly 1700 mph)... The US Navy does, again, restrict the speed of the Tomcat to extend airframe life but ALSO the IRST on the F-14D's has thermal limits that have to be taken into consideration. The Mach limit on the D model, at least -- I'm not sure if the same restriction applies to the A or B models in service --, is 1.88 (reported in Aviation Week in 1990) because of the IRST, NOT the double-chin module that houses the IRST and TCS. I think the double-chin imposes a neglible drag penalty. The US Navy is mainly worried about damaging the IRST on the D models.
I think besides the IRST, the real reason the Navy restricts the Tomcat's speed is two-fold: a) it burns a lot of fuel and NO PLANE has EVER needed Mach 2+ plus speed in combat, and b) flying at speeds in excess of Mach 2.3 can result in deformed canopies! A test flight on the old F-4 Phantom revealed the Achilles' heel of Mach 2.5+ planes ISN'T the airframe or engine integrity, but the fact that nobody's built a conventional bubble canopy that WON'T melt much above Mach 2.3!
(I think as things stand now, I read in Aviation Week that canopies have to be regularly changed every 18 months because the material they're made of gets worn out by regular subsonic, let alone LOW supersonic, speed use! This was a fact casually mentioned in an article about F-4 Phantom IIs in Air National Guard service in the US. I don't think the material they used in those F-4 canopies is any different by much than what's used in F-14, F-15, F-16, or F-18 canopies with the exception that F-16 canopies are reinforced for low altitude bird strikes and are now coated with a light radar absorbent material to reduce radar reflections from the canopy.)
Range: I don't think I've ever seen an OFFICIAL figure for the F-14B and F-14D, but what has been made clear through Adm. Gillcrist's book is that the F110 is LESS fuel-efficient at normal throttle settings (military power or less) than the TF30 engine. An F110 burns about roughly 100 more lbs of fuel per hour than a TF30. The fuel economy savings is really only when the afterburner is used and with the increased power of the F110, the pilot probably doesn't even have to go full afterburner (Zone V) all the time... Other than that, as those of us that read about the Tomcat know, the main advantage of the F110 is its reliability (it's rated WAY better than both the TF30 and F100) and reduced maintenance manhours. I think the US Navy is willing to live with a bit LESS range in exchange for greater engine reliability. Over one-quarter of Tomcat accidents are directly attributable to the lousy reliability of the TF30.
F-14B Numbers: I think the US Navy ended up converting more F-14As to F-14Bs (a dozen more B model conversions?) even AFTER the F-14D conversions and newbuilds were halted by the Defense Department. I can't be sure WHERE I read this, but I've noticed looking at the numbers of F-14Bs in service, that it seems to be HIGHER than it should be considering attrition after 14 years of frontline service. There are usually at least 5 F-14 crashes per year, sometimes as many as 7 or 8. I think the US Navy/Grumman ultimately built around 80 F-14Bs, over half being retrofitted A models.
Again, this F-14 website is EXCELLENT! I wish there websites as detailed for some of the other aircraft that interest me.
The decommissioning of the Tomcat by 2008 isn't something a lot of people look forward to, BUT the Tomcat will have seen longer active service than the Concorde (1976-2003), at any rate... :)
Personally, I think the B-52 Stratofortress is gonna be around longer than anything else! Heck, I bet the last US Air Force F-16 gets decommissioned before the last B-52 does.
Name: Mike O'Connor
Email: moconnor@dwave.net
Datum: Freitag, 11 Juli, 2003 um 00:47:23
Kommentar: Anyone interested in VF-21's Vietnam War MiG engagements/kills should check out my new book MIG KILLERS OF YANKEE STATION. It covers every USN engagement of the war plus lots more! Sells for $45 + $5 s/h from New Past Press, PO Box 558, Friendship, WI 53934.
Name: Mike O'Connor
Email: moconnor@dwave.net
Datum: Freitag, 11 Juli, 2003 um 00:46:43
Kommentar: Anyone interested in VF-21's Vietnam War MiG engagements/kills should check out my new book MIG KILLERS OF YANKEE STATION. It covers every USN engagement of the war plus lots more! Sells for $45 + $5 s/h from New Past Press, PO Box 558, Friendship, WI 53934.
Name: John Hermann
Email: tiger_det5@excite.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 9 Juli, 2003 um 15:41:52
Kommentar: Are the prints ever going to be available again? My father was with VF-143 and I think it would be great if I could get him one of your stunning prints...
Name: Linda Fogen
Email: lfogen@hotmail.com
Datum: Freitag, 4 Juli, 2003 um 04:46:00
Kommentar: You have an awesome site!
I'm a Tomcat junkie! I think they are better than chocolate!
Name: Jeff Lockhart
Email: disk@sunflower.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 3 Juli, 2003 um 19:44:59
Kommentar: Great Site! VF-1 1976 - 1979. Plane Captain A/C NK106 BuNo. 158995. I was assigned to AIMD when A/C NK106 crashed in 1978. I am now with the 190th Air Refueling Wing, Topeka, Kansas. We fly KC-135 Tankers.
Name: Tony Luna
Email: john.luna@ipaper.com
Datum: Sonntag, 29 Juni, 2003 um 18:12:42
Kommentar: Served I VF-51 91-93
Name: J. R. Williams
Email: lik2hik@backpacker.com
Datum: Samstag, 28 Juni, 2003 um 04:36:51
Kommentar: Hey great site. I was with VF-31 94-99, Strike 99-01, VF-154 01-present. The f-14 can never be replaced.
Email: UZOAGBA@yahoo.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 26 Juni, 2003 um 11:15:58
Kommentar: UZOAGBA
Name: Bob Vincent
Email: EZBobVincent@aol.com
Datum: Montag, 23 Juni, 2003 um 19:56:48
Kommentar: VF-124 1973
VF-1 1974-1976
VF-124 1976-1978
Name: Brad Sekigawa
Email: bmeister.suza@verizon.net
Datum: Donnerstag, 19 Juni, 2003 um 11:20:45
Kommentar: Great website! I'm an F-14 enthusiast myself, but I specialize in making models of the Tomcat (26 so far). Currently building the Iranian version. Thanks for your website.
Name: cheap flights airline tickets
Email: johngeorge77@netscape.net
Datum: Donnerstag, 19 Juni, 2003 um 08:49:02
Kommentar: Nice pages cheap flights airline tickets
Name: Chuck Westfall A.K.A. ( SPAD )
Email: chuckflysrc@hotmail.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 19 Juni, 2003 um 04:40:57
Kommentar: This is a great site for info when you build R/C aircraft. I have four tomcats on the building table now. I'm looking for a tail paint scheme that is really hot looking can you help?
Name: Josh Silver
Email: jrsilver@adelphia.net
Datum: Mittwoch, 18 Juni, 2003 um 07:12:49
Kommentar: Amazing!!! Been a cat fan since the 80s and this is one hell of a tribute to the best AC built. Way to go and keep it up I will check back often.
Name: Ivan
Email: jason_bourne@terra.es
Datum: Mittwoch, 18 Juni, 2003 um 05:53:15
Kommentar: what about the pilot's equipment? I mean the nomex and the other stuff
Name: john
Email: mugu@mugu.com
Datum: Montag, 9 Juni, 2003 um 11:35:32
Kommentar: i don land oooooo
Name: James E. Peters
Email: pete928@theramp.net
Datum: Sonntag, 8 Juni, 2003 um 16:45:20
Kommentar: VF-211 (airframes/ 1976 - 1978)
Name: Tim Lent
Email: Lenthead@aol.com
Datum: Samstag, 7 Juni, 2003 um 03:02:13
Kommentar: I believe the aircraft that Mr.Sanders has photos of, as mentioned in his 6-3-03 guestbook entry, could be aircraft 1X, Bu.No. 157991, which replaced aircraft number one.
Name: Dan "Darth" Cain
Email: capt-dan.cain@cnet.navy.mil
Datum: Mittwoch, 4 Juni, 2003 um 14:58:00
Kommentar: Made me feel at home again!!!
Name: Dickie Sanders
Email: Richard.B.Sanders
Datum: Dienstag, 3 Juni, 2003 um 15:24:20
Kommentar: I have some digital shots of the Tom Cat that was at Dahlgren Naval Base back in the 1998/1999 timeframe. It was number 3 I think. It has canards. This are personal shots, but there is a couple of archived shots of the plane in flight.
How can I get my personal shots to you?
Name: Jon Clinton
Email: jkclinton@2z.net
Datum: Montag, 2 Juni, 2003 um 06:40:35
Kommentar: Excellent job on the site. I was with the Pukin Dogs of VF-143 from 1989-1992 as an AT3. Any former or current dogs give a holler.
Name: mick stiles
Email: stilie@hotmail.com
Datum: Montag, 2 Juni, 2003 um 06:14:04
Kommentar: g.day from australia
great site keep up the good work not much info for books in austalia
on the f/14 just wondering would anyone have any pics on the playboy
(bunny)F/14 would love to model it
aswell as the jolly roger f/14
cheers mick
Name: AQ3 Ron McComas
Email: hrmccomas2@prodigy.net
Datum: Montag, 2 Juni, 2003 um 04:44:34
Kommentar: Great stuff.I was in VF-142 in the late 80's. I get home sick everytime I visit.
Name: Robert "Jungle" Jones
Email: F14Dguy@aol.com
Datum: Freitag, 30 Mai, 2003 um 22:33:26
Kommentar: Great site. I'll send you a few pics next week for VF-31 and 213. LOVE the picture of the dude in the water for the Sea-Lions. Too funny.
Name: Art Wood
Email: azcigsman@cox,net
Datum: Freitag, 30 Mai, 2003 um 07:02:01
Kommentar: I started with the Pukin Dogs as an F-4 squadron on the Enterprise out of Miramar, left them as an F-14 squadron on the America out of Ocean. As the only person in Admin and Personnel with a Secret Clearance I was the one that typed all reports that went to Washington when we had a bird catch on fire outside of Oceana and our pilots brought it back to be examined, I believe it was the first to be returned that malfunctioned.
Name: Lyle Schroeder
Email: lyle.schroeder@verizon.net
Datum: Donnerstag, 29 Mai, 2003 um 04:15:32
Kommentar: Nice website...I served in VF-1 from Nov 1975-Jan 1980.2cruises about the big E and a partitial cruise on the Ranger during Iranian Hostage crisis.I love that plane.....I got my start in Aviation because of my naval service...Long live the Wolfpack
Name: Tom Brancati
Email: tbrancati@adelphia.net
Datum: Dienstag, 27 Mai, 2003 um 21:47:16
Kommentar: As former F-14 Program Director for GAC I have a special place in my heart for the Tomcat. Great job on your Web site.
Name: Staffan Juul
Email: SBJuul@hotmail.com
Datum: Montag, 26 Mai, 2003 um 14:03:04
Kommentar: Just wanted to comment on the best site for the "Turkey", Great site, had lots of cool info in it.
Too bad that this plane will soon be out of the Navy (IMHO huge mistake).
Keep up the great work
Name: Craig Smart
Email: CCsmarts@aol.com
Datum: Sonntag, 25 Mai, 2003 um 18:29:53
Kommentar: Absolutely amazing site, I have alot of photos to share. Will be sending.
Name: Todd J. Morgan
Email: ladyblueluv@aol.com
Datum: Freitag, 23 Mai, 2003 um 05:43:09
Kommentar: I was in VF-1 from 1973-1975. In the Line Division.
Name: Neshav Nirmal
Email: 202511507@nu.ac.za
Datum: Mittwoch, 21 Mai, 2003 um 15:16:44
The Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet
The path that the United States Navy has chosen to take regarding its future aviation assets puts it in a dangerous position. It is my belief that the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet is not a capable aircraft to be given the role of sole offensive aircraft on board USN carriers. When we look at the Super Hornet which I prefer to call the Stupid Hornet we see an aircraft that first and foremost is the ‘losing’ aircraft in the USAF LWF competition, we see an aircraft that has been redesigned twice and still cannot get rid of it’s fuel shortage problems. This aircraft should not even have existed, and was in fact rejected by the USN in the late 80’s and now its defending US carriers. The USN claims that the Super Hornet is, “a most deadly foe in both beyond-visual-range and close-in engagements,” (RADM John Nathman, Naval Aviation News, March-April 2000) to put it plainly that’s the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever heard. Lets compare the Super Hornet to the other new aircraft out there. The Super Hornet doesn’t carry Phoenix, so immediately it’s down to medium range, it doesn’t have an IRST or UHF radar so it must use active radar and can’t detect stealth aircraft, it has no thrust vectoring so it’s not as maneuverable as other new fighters, it doesn’t have super cruise, in fact it can’t even reach Mach 1 below 10 000ft, so it can’t get away from any opponents, old and new, and it has a marginal fuel load so it can get very far anyway. The latest generation of fighters includes the F/A-22, Rafale, Gripen, Typhoon, MiG 1-44, Su-37, and a number of new Chinese and Indian fighters. The Super Hornet is inferior to all of these aircraft as well as to the Su-27, MiG-29, F-14 and F-15. So in actual fact the USN is going to rely on a re-designed hand-me down loser from the LWF competition to ‘project power’ for the next 20 years, though how far it can project power remains to be seen as the Super Hornet has such a small radius of action. The USN has ‘remedied’ the lack range by changing its doctrine to littoral conflicts, we’ll see how that works after silkworm missiles hit the carriers. The employment of the Hornet as a tanker is quite frankly a joke, not only because it has such a poor fuel load in the first place but also because it’s airframe is not suitable to be fuel-efficient. The aircraft barely has enough fuel for itself let alone other aircraft. It amazes me just how stupid and blind the current USN leaders are. The future CVW will be made up of just Hornets and the way the USN is going they’ll probably put a radome on top of it and replace the E-2 Hawkeye with it. The aircraft that the Hornet and Super Hornet have or are replacing include, the A-7, A-6, S-3, EA-6B and the F-14. Wow, an aircraft that isn’t much better than an F-16 is taking the place of all these superior aircraft, so why the hell is the USN developing the JSF they all-ready have their all can do fighter, or maybe they realize that the Super Hornet is just an inferior 4th generation fighter trying to disguise itself as a 5th generation fighter. With India and China both keen to develop carrier fleets, that will surely carry aircraft better that the pathetic Super Hornet, the USN could find itself in a comprising position. The Super Hornet puts the USN firmly on the road to, lets by a shitty aircraft and hope we don’t have to fight anyone with better planes,’ remember the USN cannot fight foes like Afghanistan and Iraq forever. When the Tomcats are gone the USN will find they have the best carriers in the world and the most useless aircraft in the world operating from them. The Super Hornet decision could very well lead to the end of US Naval Aviation
The Grumman F-14 Tomcat
The F-14 Tomcat, unlike the Hornet, has never been favoured among those that provide funding, I don’t know why, maybe because good old Dickie Cheney had some quarrel with the higher ups at Grumman. Now that fool is the Vice President. For example the F-14 entered service in 1972 with an interim engine and yet the first serious upgrade only took place in the late 80’s with the F-14B and D, the F/A-18 entered service in 1984 and just three years later a new variant, the F/A-18C was flying. To top it all Dick cancelled further F-14D production in 1990, leaving the Navy with the planned Super Hornet, which was never intended to replace the F-14, because it was simply a stupid idea. In fact the Super Hornet replacing the F-14 is similar to how the British Government wants to replace the Harrier FA2’s with GR9’s. At least the Iranians have had the brains to keep this jet flying for as long as it can. Current aviators may claim that the Super Hornet is, “an exceptional aircraft with superb combat capability and growth potential,” (CDR T.W. Huff. USN, Flight Journal, pg.28, June 2002) but the very fact that this debate exists, that a fighter (re-) designed in the 1990’s can even be compared to a fighter designed in the late 60’s (the Tomcat) is testament to the fact that many doubt the capabilities of the Super Hornet. The politics involving aircraft procurement in the Pentagon has resulted in the USN being forced to operate a dog for the next 20 years and to get rid of some of its most valuable air assets. The Super Tomcat 21 would have been a far better and cheaper aircraft than the Super Hornet. Had that aircraft been procured this debate would not exist. There would be no debate as to whether the Tomcat 21 was better than the Super Hornet. Further more it would have been a cheaper aircraft to develop and purchase when compared to the Super Hornet’s $76 million price tag, a lot more than the more capable F-14D ($50 million). In the early 90’s when the F-14D was cancelled and the Super Hornet was just a paper aeroplane the estimated R & D costs for the F/A-18E/F was $3 billion and eventually the program overran to a cost of $9 billion to produce an aircraft less capable than the F-14D. It must be noted that the F-14D’s R & D dollars had already been spent and the aircraft already existed when the Super Hornet was nothing more than a drawing. In my view that’s a real waste of taxpayer money. Also one cannot say the F-14 cannot carry standoff missiles like SLAM, because F-14D’s can easily be modified to support these weapons. The F/A-18E/F is an aircraft with a new wing, fuselage and empennage, and is thus a new aircraft, F/A-18C’s cannot be modified to Super Hornet status yet the USN proposed this aircraft as a ‘modification program’ when clearly it’s only a Hornet by name. When new aircraft are proposed they need Congress approval and the Super Hornet never got that approval and is thus an illegal aircraft. What a scandal! The USN made a huge mistake by not pursuing the Tomcat 21/ASF-14, an aircraft that would have had a glass cockpit, better radar, stealth enhancements, supercruise, thrust-vectoring, more fuel (and range), less maintenance and incorporated all of the present and proposed features of the F-14D. It would have cost less than the Super Hornet, had 90% the capability of the ATF at 60% of the cost and would have kept the USN air wings capable and effective well into this century. For decades the USN has developed and operated aircraft that were the best in their fields, the F-4, A-6 and the F-14 and it is thus sad to see that the best that the Navy can develop and field today doesn’t even approach the capability of an F-14.
During the Gulf War the USN was almost ignored by the USAF, but once F-14’s got Lantirn they became the primary strikers of Desert Fox and Bosnia, placed ahead of F-15E’s, while also playing major roles in Afghanistan and Gulf War 2. Once the Tomcat’s are gone the USN could find itself being ignored again. The Super Hornet simply cannot compete with F-15E’s, F/A-22’s and the proposed FB-22. The USN has now accelerated the retirement of the F-14 to mid-2007 supposedly to save money. I don’t see how that works as money has just been spent on the F-14’s to give them Lantirn capability and most recently JDAM capability. In addition to this, Tomcats were upgraded with DFCS and some cockpit enhancements were made such as the PTID. Now having just spent this money the Navy is going to retire this aircraft, which is just ridiculous. VF-2 is the next squadron to convert onto the god awful Stupid Hornets. It doesn’t make sense that a unit flying top of the range F-14D’s has to convert while other squadrons remain flying F-14A’s (VF-154, VF-211). I don’t think that those D’s are going to new squadrons, after all what happened to the F-14B’s when VF-102 converted? It just exhibits the idiocy prevailing in current USN leadership. Unfortunately it’s too late for anything, except maybe for the loss of a USN carrier, to get the powers that be to change the doomed course that Naval Aviation is flying so blindly into. One thing is for sure though is that the Super Hornet will never be a legend. F-4’s, A-6’s and the F-14 will remain legends in the USN. In particular the F-14 has a mystique and prowess about it that is unmatched, that’s one of the reasons why so many people around the world don’t want to see it go. However when the Super Hornet finally goes out of service (hopefully soon) no-one, absolutely no-one will care, the Super Hornet will not be legend, just an expensive piece of junk the Navy operated for a while, that’s it, no-one will care. Indeed the day that the last F-14 is retired will be the darkest day in U.S Naval Aviation history.
Neshav Nirmal
Durban, South Africa
Name: mike williams
Email: promoose @ aol.com
Datum: Samstag, 17 Mai, 2003 um 21:20:41
Kommentar: hi guys...hope you are well .great site on afantastic aircraft.we dont see much of her this side of the pond..(UK).. could you please tell me where imight buy some us fighter aircraft patches...web sits etc..
Name: Neshav Nirmal
Email: 202511507@nu.ac.za
Datum: Freitag, 16 Mai, 2003 um 07:53:41
Kommentar: The Tomcat will always rule, the Super Hornet sucks, God Bless the Navy, God Damn it's leadership.
Name: Ray Burris AC1 USN Ret.
Email: Cray1@fnbnet.net
Datum: Dienstag, 6 Mai, 2003 um 02:35:06
Kommentar: Great Site! Naval aviation has always been interesting to me.
I served on the USS Essex CVA-CVS 9 from early 58 -61 as an arresting gear crewman, engine opr. Hook runner. Attended ABA school Philly 59, Later, Re-enlisted for AC school Glynco, GA.1967, served in Nam 70-71, Corpus 71-75, USS FDR CV42 CATCC 75 til De-comm.77, Chase 78-82. Have seen lots of Aircraft come and go. Have a few old AC photos, will share.
Name: Ed Toner
Email: captained@comcast.net
Datum: Freitag, 2 Mai, 2003 um 13:50:45
Kommentar: I was a Banshee pilot in VF-152 1955-57. NAS Moffett, and the USS WASP (CVA-18).
Excellent site. I came across it accidentally searching for Chip (Biff) King.
Too bad Grumman wasn't allowed to continue with developing a Tomcat replacement.
I'm 71 now, retired from TWA as a L-1011 Captain in 1987.
Name: Eric Hall
Email: eric@hallspars.com
Datum: Dienstag, 29 April, 2003 um 01:30:00
Kommentar: Structural design engineer on original F-14 design team. Helped design the Boron skinned stabilizer. The plane still takes my breath away. Who do I contact for a ride?
Name: Eric Hall
Email: eric@hallspars.com
Datum: Dienstag, 29 April, 2003 um 01:29:16
Kommentar: Structural design engineer on original F-14 design team. Helped design the Boron skinned stabilizer. The plane still takes my breath away. Who do I contact for a ride?
Name: Gary R. Strong II
Email: gstrong1@cox.net
Datum: Mittwoch, 19 März, 2003 um 18:56:40
Kommentar: I was in VF-154 1991-1996 and 1998-2001. BKR
Name: Richard McCormick
Email: rmccormimck2@cox.net
Datum: Mittwoch, 19 März, 2003 um 18:53:16
Kommentar: OUTSTANDING Web sight, Kudos to you
Name: zobel,helmut
Email: zobi1wan@aol.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 19 März, 2003 um 10:44:42
Kommentar: above 20 years i love the F-14 TOMCAT
Name: Laurent
Email: laurent.michelot@libertysurf.fr
Datum: Freitag, 14 März, 2003 um 14:44:56
Kommentar: Great site about this wondeful airplane. I do like it !
As a carrier aviation fan, I desperately look for a USN pilot helmet (hgu-33/55/98)and/or oxygen mask (mbu-14/17) to put on display at home...If you can have such things for sale, please write me at laurent.michelot@libertysurf.fr.
Thanks !
Name: Thomas A. Huntley,Sr
Email: thuntley@carolina.rr.com
Datum: Freitag, 14 März, 2003 um 14:01:16
Kommentar: Thanks,I enjoyed the information. The Tomcat is one of the only A/C that I've never seen!
Name: Gayle
Email: gberry@yahoo.com
Datum: Freitag, 14 März, 2003 um 02:32:36
Kommentar: Retired long time F/A-18 tech rep. Long live the Hornet and Super Hornet!!!!!
Name: Mark Summers
Email: masummers@hotmail.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 12 März, 2003 um 05:50:17
Kommentar: Ijust came across your site for the first time tonight. Very well done, Torsten, with lots of great history. I was a RIO in VF-51 from '79-82 and made two Westpac cruises on the Kitty Hawk. During the second one, in late April '81, while flying with LT Farrell Corley, we made what I believe was the first ever gear-up landing of an F-14. Unable to get the nose gear down, we diverted to NAS Agana, Guam and landed "steel on concrete." After being "patched up by an airframes crew flown in off the ship, we flew the aircraft back to the Kitty Hawk just two days later. The F-14 was not only an awesome performer but nearly indestructible as well! Again, good job on the site and thanks for the memories!
Name: Tom Baranek
Email: tbaranek@rcscorporation.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 12 März, 2003 um 02:09:25
Kommentar: Are you/were you a TomCat'r?
This is a great idea!
Name: Rudy Preus
Email: stellarimages@shaw.ca
Datum: Dienstag, 11 März, 2003 um 23:02:18
Kommentar: I am a retired Canadian Air Force pilot. My hobby is Stained Glass and my Three Dimensional Stained Glass Aircraft may be of interest to your guests. If anyone wishes to view my work, please visit me at http://members.shaw.ca/stellarimages
Name: Sean Lenahan
Email: gorila999@yahoo.com
Datum: Dienstag, 11 März, 2003 um 04:00:11
Kommentar: hi i am restoring a f-14 cockpit so we can put it on display but the only problem is that I don't know how to open it. So yes if you know please e-mail me the instructions at gorila999@yahoo.com. thank you
Name: Jen (( VF-114 Aardvark's Daughter)) Williams
Email: JenIsTrouble2001@Yahoo.Com
Datum: Montag, 10 März, 2003 um 20:06:56
Kommentar: I am so happy I found your site!!! I recently decided to start gathering memorabilia to put together a scrap book of my father's military career. Anyone that was a memeber of the Aardvark's that can assist me in my searches PLEASE EMAIL ME!!! As I recall he left the squadron in 1988 and anyone that knows him may have have known him by the nick names: "Willie" or "Sonny" Williams
Thanks for your help and contributions...Jen
Name: Jen (( VF-114 Aardvark's Daughter)) Williams
Email: JenIsTrouble2001@Yahoo.Com
Datum: Montag, 10 März, 2003 um 20:06:36
Kommentar: I am so happy I found your site!!! I recently decided to start gathering memorabilia to put together a scrap book of my father's military career. Anyone that was a memeber of the Aardvark's that can assist me in my searches PLEASE EMAIL ME!!! As I recall he left the squadron in 1988 and anyone that knows him may have have known him by the nick names: "Willie" or "Sonny" Williams
Thanks for your help and contributions...Jen
Name: Marcin Witkowski, Poland
Email: mwitkowski@go2.pl
Datum: Montag, 10 März, 2003 um 09:08:56
Kommentar: The best F-14 site in the web!!! Thak you Torsten. I'm modeller from Poland and this site helped me to compose almost copmplete Tomcat documentation. You can see me Tomcat model parts on www.aircraftresourcecenter.com in Gallery, Jet Aircraft, F-14 and finally Marcin Witkowski articles. All the best to Torsten for this site!!! And GO NAVY!!!
Name: Nick Rizzo
Email: nrizzo@northropgrumman.com
Datum: Freitag, 7 März, 2003 um 23:54:08
Kommentar: Plane Captain at Pt. Mugu Flight Test/Mods 1972-1976. Iranian Program from 1976-1978 Isfahan, Iran. Pt. Mugu PMTC 1978-1983.
Name: Eric Huffman
Email: EricHuffm@netscape.net
Datum: Mittwoch, 5 März, 2003 um 22:28:28
Kommentar: Hi,
I have enjoyed looking over your website. Since I was a little boy the F-14 has been my favorite airplane and I always had a dream of flying it one day. I doubt now that will ever happen but my love for airplanes and the F-14 will always continue. I am a student at DePaul University. I love all the information your site has. Really intersting.
Name: Robert S. Slater
Email: hannibal91@att.net
Datum: Samstag, 1 März, 2003 um 03:06:32
Kommentar: I would like to know if it is possible to gwt the Supeer Tomcat in a patch. Or a print of the tomcat on the ropes with the gunm two tails saying "anytime baby, anytime"
Name: Mike
Email: gfrapno@aol.com
Datum: Freitag, 28 Februar, 2003 um 22:21:34
Kommentar: Great website! I was an AQ (Aviation Fire Control Technician) with VF-41 on their first cruise on the USS Nimitz back in 77-78 We had those brand new Block 95 Tomcats back then. The Tomcat is the air superiority fighter of all time. With the AWG-9 and AIM-54, you simply don't miss! It is a shame that the Black Aces have gone to the Super Hornet, but good luck to them and their new birds on the Nimitz again!
Name: Eric Doerr
Email: sancleaf@yahoo.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 26 Februar, 2003 um 14:14:24
Kommentar: God i wanna fly.
Name: landon
Email: skimannofear@yahoo.com
Datum: Montag, 24 Februar, 2003 um 00:02:28
Kommentar: hi, i just want to say that the f-14 tomact is the best fighter in the world. i have loved this plane since i was young.. i plan to go in the navy to fly planes like the f-14. well i love your website. so write me when ya'll can landon
Name: landon powers
Email: skimannofear@yahoo.com
Datum: Montag, 24 Februar, 2003 um 00:00:23
Kommentar: hi, i just want to say that the f-14 tomact is the best fighter in the world. i have loved this plane since i was young.i'am now 16 years old and a 10th grader. i plan to go in the navy to fly planes like the f-14. well i love your website. so write me when ya'll can landon
Name: Anthony Nell
Email: icemantaz4@iprimus.com.au
Datum: Donnerstag, 20 Februar, 2003 um 17:35:10
Kommentar: I've always loved the F-14, but known very little about them. Thanks to your great website, if I need (or want) to know something about this amazing piece of avionic machinery, I know exactly where to look. Thank you for providing us with such an extensive collection, of F-14 information.
Name: Denis
Email: denisso@rambler.ru
Datum: Mittwoch, 19 Februar, 2003 um 05:23:45
Kommentar: Hi from Russian fan of F-14!
Very good site.
But need more Hi-rez photos!!!
Best regards.
Name: neil
Email: neilfrombute@hotmail.com
Datum: Freitag, 14 Februar, 2003 um 15:45:44
Kommentar: very good
Name: Samantha Williams
Email: willsamantha4@yahoo.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 12 Februar, 2003 um 07:48:27
Kommentar: Hi, great site, i found a lot of interesting information inside thanks :-) Samantha Williams
Name: M. Kane
Email: Matt.Kane@BA.USA.com
Datum: Dienstag, 11 Februar, 2003 um 20:34:43
Kommentar: Outstanding site!!I enjoyed reading
all the history on Grumman.I had the pleasure of living just a quarter of a mile from the Bethpage plant.Now it saddens me every time I drive by the plant and see senior citizen housing and a popcorn plant at the end of what used to be the runway.Anytime Baby
Name: Pamela De Lello Whitney
Email: Whitneypd97@aol.com
Datum: Montag, 10 Februar, 2003 um 10:50:30
Kommentar: Sister of Nick De Lello, who was the pilot of BuNo# 160383. Served on USS Nimitz in '79 VF-41. Would like to know if you have additional information.
Thank you
Pamela Whitney
Name: GUYMAN(charlywhite)
Email: charlywhite2003@europe.com
Datum: Samstag, 8 Februar, 2003 um 21:09:40
Name: mugu
Email: muguy@bangi.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 6 Februar, 2003 um 13:03:07
Kommentar: i love to visit america to see mr bush and tell himl to stop the homoside.in the world
Name: Don Henry
Email: ddhenry34@aol.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 6 Februar, 2003 um 07:58:51
Kommentar: I'm an Ex TARPS Technician and I enjoyed seeing the information on the TARPS program. Thank You
Name: arvin g. acidera from the philippines
Email: ag_acidera@yahoo.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 6 Februar, 2003 um 04:47:51
Kommentar: this site is a masterpiece!
u hav done one hell of a job...its magnificent!
Name: William J. Deady II
Email: willjtwo@msn.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 5 Februar, 2003 um 05:20:48
Kommentar: Dear Torsten (a fellow Scandinavian, Hej!!):
Well, I have lived many years about 200 metres near NAS Oceana, and I have many very high, VERY CLOSE, high-quality photos of NAS Oceana jets, including the F-14D. E-mail me sometimes if you want some examples. Hej Da!! William Deady
Name: Jeffrey A. Johnson
Email: jeffjohnson502@hotmail.com
Datum: Dienstag, 4 Februar, 2003 um 11:36:35
Kommentar: Employed at NSAWC, (TopGun), operating the "Oldest Tomcats"
Name: Rene Vlaar
Email: pluhhh@hotmail.com
Datum: Montag, 3 Februar, 2003 um 22:54:28
Kommentar: Finally I have found a website dedicated to the F14. I looked at it for a short time, but only the fact that there is such a site makes me feel good. I hope to see a F14 in Holland before they retire.. keep up the good work!
Name: Robert Blount
Email: pbfb@optonline.net
Datum: Montag, 3 Februar, 2003 um 00:10:01
Kommentar: This website rocks!
Name: greck
Email: guymen@mugu.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 29 Januar, 2003 um 18:33:50
Kommentar: guymen keep off from hereoooooooooooooooooo
Name: George F. Moran
Email: gmoran@anteon.com
Datum: Dienstag, 28 Januar, 2003 um 19:14:15
Kommentar: I am an avid aviation enthusiast and live in Norfolk Va and I have never seen such information as your web site shaires. I'm 20 miles from OCEANA and have never seen so much data. Great site! If you need anything that a local can provide, let me know if I can be of assistance.
Name: VINNY`
Email: vinnycoold58@msn.com
Datum: Dienstag, 28 Januar, 2003 um 01:26:11
Name: Kyle Tabone
Email: charger@navyseals.com
Datum: Montag, 27 Januar, 2003 um 13:47:42
Kommentar: I would love to be Tomcat pilot. How can I do so as I live in Malta?
Name: Kyle Tabone
Email: Charger@navyseals.com
Datum: Montag, 27 Januar, 2003 um 13:34:44
Kommentar: The F-14 Tomcats are the best fighters in the world. What would I do to be an F-14 pilot?
Name: Jim Carroll
Email: 3carroll@optonline.net
Datum: Sonntag, 26 Januar, 2003 um 01:49:35
Kommentar: I read Pete Purvis' comments on his piloting of #6 that went down on 6.20.73. I saw the resulting smoke from the crash from my house which was 7 or so miles away. Since then my father and I both worked at GAC Calverton, he was doing wiring on all the F14 birds as well as X-29, S&R helo's, E2C's and the A6 family of planes. I worked the weapons system of the A6-F and F14-D. Also worked in Plt 14 Bethpage on the CASS program. Good memories of watching the test flights at Calv. Now the hangers in Calv are being used to make window frames and sheet metal products. makes one wonder....
Name: H. C. Cook
Email: munster@compuserve.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 23 Januar, 2003 um 13:18:22
Kommentar: F-14A Bureau # 159437 is Mig Killer. 1-4-89 Mig-23
Name: Johan
Email: johanlevi@hotmail.com
Datum: Dienstag, 21 Januar, 2003 um 07:50:42
Kommentar: Hey there!
You've done a hell of a job here, and me being a tomcat fan, this was like a wet dream.
Thanx mate, and keep it up!
Email: viclubang@yahoo.com
Datum: Dienstag, 21 Januar, 2003 um 07:21:28
Kommentar: Hi, I'm your vivid filipino fan! Your website is the best, hope you'll continue to update this for us, fans of the great F-14Tomcat.By the way can you provide me a web pal, I mean somebody who is also a fan of the F-14? So that I can chat them via e-mail. Thanks and more power.
Email: viclubang@yahoo.com
Datum: Dienstag, 21 Januar, 2003 um 07:19:08
Kommentar: Hi, I'm your vivid filipino fan! Your website is the best, hope you'll continue to update this for us, fans of the great F-14Tomcat.By the way can you provide me a web pal, I mean somebody who is also a fan of the F-14? So that I can chat them via e-mail. Thanks and more power.
Name: Pete Purvis
Email: pete-purvis@worldnet.att.net
Datum: Samstag, 11 Januar, 2003 um 04:01:31
Kommentar: I note the pic of 157984 (aka #5), the plane in which I flew the automatic flight control system (AFCS) and automatic carrier landing system (ACLS) contractor demonstrations. As a result, I prorbably have more time in this particular airplane that anyone else. Gives me a great feeling each time I see a picture of the airplane.
Name: Pete Purvis
Email: pete-purvis@worldnet.att.net
Datum: Samstag, 11 Januar, 2003 um 03:36:05
Kommentar: I was the pilot of 157985 (aka #6) that Tank Sherman and I ejected from on 6/20/73. I published the story in the April 2001 issue of Flight Journal. If you want a PDF copy of the article, I'll be glad to forward it.
Name: Robert Hurst
Email: hurstman@peoplepc.com
Datum: Freitag, 10 Januar, 2003 um 05:49:48
Kommentar: I served with VF-301 from approx. 1975 until Oct. 1978. My rate was AQ3 (also plane captain). I was wondering if anyone might know of any photos from that time period, especially the personnel within the squadron or of any of the F-4N. I have a photo of 00 (double nuts) flying. Also, is there anyone who would know where any of the people are located now, including people in the sister squadron VF_302? Thank You.
Robert S. Hurst AQ3
6185 W. Adams St.
Belleville, MI. 48111
Name: Joe Mizerak (formerly of VF-142)
Email: Joseph.Mizerak@trisyngroup.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 9 Januar, 2003 um 17:08:51
Kommentar: You brought me back 15 years by reviewing your web site. Tremendous job! I was in VF-142 out of Oceana from February 1988 to September 1990. My palms are sweaty and heart is racing as your site evokes memories of many close calls behind the boat as I sat in the backseat tightly gripping my rosary beads. Nice work. I'll review my old records from my PAO days and see if I can find some photos to send you.
Name: Miguel Ponce Bustos
Email: maverick_tom_cat@hotmail.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 8 Januar, 2003 um 06:37:55
Kommentar: Well.........i an fron Chile, and my english isn´t very good, but just say...........you page is just the best......your pictures are the best to make models, with the details and the resolution..........thank´s .
Name: Pete McDade F-14 FST.1 engineer
Email: mcdadekp@navair.navy.mil
Datum: Sonntag, 29 Dezember, 2002 um 05:04:12
Kommentar: Some sites for all F-14 advocates out there:
and this article
PS. From an engineering standpoint we can make the Tomcat fly forever. Look at combat aircraft still in service older than F-14's.
Name: Claudiu Wolf
Email: claudiu.wolf@eybl-international.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 26 Dezember, 2002 um 12:02:11
Kommentar: This is a fantastic site, which I access since 2 years. This site provided me with lot of interesting info`s about this beautiful aircraft. It`s a shame that they started to replace them.
Name: Robert Anderson
Email: rander3129@aol.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 26 Dezember, 2002 um 00:04:53
Kommentar: I spent 17years working as a tomcat tweaker in VF-2, VF-114, and VF-124. I hav always had a place in my heart for an F-14 Tomcat, and will never for get to
the times I spent working on the Tomcats. Go ZOT!
Name: Derek Figari
Email: Derek@figari.net
Datum: Donnerstag, 19 Dezember, 2002 um 20:54:50
Kommentar: I love this site.. My only regret is the prints that are no longer available
Name: justin sickler
Email: discogopherinspace@hotmail.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 18 Dezember, 2002 um 20:40:23
Kommentar: I think it sucks that the tomcats are being replaced in 2010. I have always wanted to fly the tomcat into battle at mach 2, but I probably won't have the chance since it'll be 4 years until I can even join the navy.
Name: Jessie Gilley
Email: gilleyjo@navair.navy.mil
Datum: Mittwoch, 18 Dezember, 2002 um 20:15:03
Kommentar: I work for the Jacksonville NADEP,F-14 FST-3. Your web page is a helpful resource.
Name: Mike Duffek AMCS (AW) Ret
Email: mikekelly@sprintmail.com
Datum: Montag, 16 Dezember, 2002 um 22:01:13
Kommentar: VF-24
Name: daniel oxley
Email: oxleynavy@aol.com
Datum: Montag, 16 Dezember, 2002 um 10:19:46
Kommentar: i have some impressive photos i would like to post here please e-mail me with the particulars.
Name: Maeni
Email: mfilippi@bluemail.ch
Datum: Sonntag, 15 Dezember, 2002 um 20:45:43
Kommentar: This is the best web site on F14 I have ever seen. A lot of visuals on great TOMCATS in action. Keep it up the way you do it.
Name: Phil
Email: plmyers@cox.net
Datum: Montag, 9 Dezember, 2002 um 01:10:37
Kommentar: I'm looking for a Tomcat " Anytime Baby" sticker...Could you assist me or do you have some...Also, a patch with same and a super tomcat patch and sticker....Thanks, phil
Name: Jan Strbik
Email: jan.strbik@seznam.cz
Datum: Donnerstag, 5 Dezember, 2002 um 13:59:58
Kommentar: Czech Republic
Name: Dean Tremano
Email: hucklebuck7@aol.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 4 Dezember, 2002 um 23:01:30
Kommentar: So many great memories, I was only at Grumman from 1980 to 1993 But I think of all my old friends both young and old. I miss them dearly we had a good thing slip through our hands , our family is no more. No company could ever replace the the Grumman Family.
Name: Sallihin "Razor" Othman
Email: hornetleader@yahoo.com.sg
Datum: Mittwoch, 4 Dezember, 2002 um 12:24:59
Kommentar: Fantastic Website !!
I love the way you design it.
Maybe you should create a comprehensive book about the F-14...everything on this website included ! i'm sure its going to be a bestseller !
Name: Eric Johnson
Email: Sundowners200@aol.com
Datum: Dienstag, 3 Dezember, 2002 um 18:15:18
Kommentar: Great web site.
I was with the Sundowners from 87-late 1990.
After that i went to VX-4.
Both squadrons wre great but i miss VF-111 it was a sad day in Naval Fighter History to see them go in 1995.
Personaly i dont ubderstan why they did not get rid of a squadron like VF-213.
I know that we had some bad times .
But it seemed that they were the problem squadron at Miramar while i was there.
Who knows you can change things now.
But my heart will always be with the SUNDOWNERS.
Thankyou for a GREAT web site.
Eric Johnson
Name: Capt. Michael A. Porch USMCR
Email: mikeporch47@juno.com
Datum: Sonntag, 1 Dezember, 2002 um 01:58:34
Kommentar: Very Nice!!
Name: umuwa
Email: mugu@mugujob.com
Datum: Samstag, 30 November, 2002 um 11:53:06
Kommentar: quite a good site to enter.Puoooo I de here
Name: Hipólito "vandit" B.Ocampo
Email: instructorhbo@uolsinectis.com.ar
Datum: Dienstag, 26 November, 2002 um 06:34:27
Kommentar: your page is the BEST in the net!!!
Name: Jan Pedersen
Email: f1.jp@mail.dk
Datum: Montag, 25 November, 2002 um 15:53:52
Kommentar: Hallo Freind.
Very Very good site of the World best Jets:F-14 Tomcat.
Have you or do you make Wallpapers.
Jan Pedersen
Name: Fernando Cerezo
Email: javanix@netscape.net
Datum: Samstag, 16 November, 2002 um 07:56:48
Kommentar: I love this jewel airplane, you have put together a wealth of information about it here. Thank you so much. I am looking forward for the day when my son -now 5- will get the hands behind this cute beast of the air. If all goes as the NAVY says, they will be replaced by 2010 when the new F-22 and current F18 super hornet replace all the F14's. Heck modernization has its advantages, we regular mortals may have a chance to "own" these aces.
Name: Jo
Datum: Montag, 11 November, 2002 um 02:25:35
Kommentar: My father, Don, was the primary pilot for the Number 3 structural prototype of the F-14A. He also flew the F-14 in the demonstration for the Shah of Iran back on July 26, 1973. Dad was grateful for every day that he got to participate on this project. He truly had a love for the F-14, and he wasn't shy about boasting its virtues. On the other side of the proverbial coin...woe betide the unfortunate soul who spoke a bad word about the F-14 in front of my father. (I was practically disowned when an unwitting date of mine spoke of the "superiority" of the F-15.) My father passed away 8 years ago from lung cancer, but if he were alive today, I'm sure he would be the one signing this guestbook as a fan of your site.
Name: Jo
Datum: Montag, 11 November, 2002 um 02:18:38
Kommentar: My father, Don , was the primary pilot for the Number 3 structural prototype of the F-14A. He also flew the F-14 in the demonstration for the Shah of Iran back on July 26, 1973.
Dad was grateful for every day that he got to participate on this project. He truly had a love for the F-14, and he wasn't shy about boasting its virtues.
On the other side of the proverbial coin...woe betide the unfortunate soul who spoke a bad word about the F-14 in front of my father. (I was practically disowned when an unwitting date of mine spoke of the "superiority" of the F-15.)
My father passed away 8 years ago from lung cancer, but if he were alive today, I'm sure he would be the one signing this guestbook as a fan of your site.
Name: Ted Wills
Email: ted_wills@msn.com
Datum: Montag, 11 November, 2002 um 02:06:46
Kommentar: RIO
VF-103/USS Saratoga 8/72 - 4/73
VF-1 5/73 - 7/75, USS Enterprise
VF-124 7/75/ - 12/77
Name: Mike Dalton VF-84 Supply 1972-75
Email: DaltonVF84@aol.com
Datum: Sonntag, 10 November, 2002 um 16:41:48
Kommentar: Great Site ...Any Jolly Rogers out there? or crew members CVA-42?
Name: maverick
Email: maverick@bute.com.uk
Datum: Donnerstag, 7 November, 2002 um 12:03:15
Kommentar: the best wep page there is
Name: maverick
Email: maverick@bute.com.uk
Datum: Donnerstag, 7 November, 2002 um 12:03:11
Kommentar: the best wep page there is
Name: rodger and lisa
Email: bad_carma_three_a@webtv.net
Datum: Donnerstag, 7 November, 2002 um 11:25:06
Kommentar: we just wanted to say that we think your web site is by far one of the best that we've seen.
we can tell how much you like this aircraft by the attention to detail that you have taken.
please keep up the great work your doing, and we will be frequent visitors.
we're not sure if you have a mailing list to let people know when you've updated the site but if you do, please put us on it.
thanks again.
rodger and lisa
orlando, florida
Name: Rhea Jane F. Bibanco
Email: dandymyangel@hotmail.com
Datum: Montag, 4 November, 2002 um 04:55:20
Kommentar: The looks and photos are great.
and i want to see it in real.Amazing!
Name: Jeff Bixby
Email: jbix00@yahoo.com
Datum: Freitag, 1 November, 2002 um 20:32:40
Kommentar: Correction on my guestbook entry - it was at Calverton with the F-14D - oops!
Name: Jeff Bixby
Email: jbix00@yahoo.com
Datum: Freitag, 1 November, 2002 um 20:29:23
Kommentar: Great to see this site...I was with VF-211 (77-80) and with VF-103 (82-85 & 88-92) and have had an extensive background with F-14's. My best memory was going up to the Grumman factory in Bethpage where we had a crew working with the Grumman people developing the F-14D (I was at Pax River at the time with the Strike Aircraft Test Directorate in the mid 80's). Looking forward to looking at your website from one end to the other!
Name: Herman tromp
Email: herman.tromp@hetnet.nl
Datum: Donnerstag, 31 Oktober, 2002 um 22:26:09
Kommentar: Beautiful site!!
From now on i'm your fan!
greetings, Herman
Name: Ross Volgarino
Email: volgaros@aol.com
Datum: Dienstag, 29 Oktober, 2002 um 05:19:01
Kommentar: My time in the Navy as an enlisted was spent in VF-1 Wolfpack 76-80. I was a plane captain and trouble shooter. My name was on bird #106 that hit the freeway at Nas Miramar 1978. That accident killed the UFO and parilized the pilot as the plane was inverted when they ejected. They were practicing single engine landings.
Our squadron was the best f-14 squadron at the time. I am proud to have been in the Navy and associated with Miramer and the Big E.
Ps. To all those from VF-1 who hung at Perla's. What a great time.
Name: Pete McDade
Email: mcdadekp@navair.navy.mil
Datum: Montag, 28 Oktober, 2002 um 21:15:29
Kommentar: Here is an additional site you may want to check out dedicated to the Tomcat http://www.topedge.com/alley/alley.htm
Name: Pete McDade
Email: mcdadekp@navair.navy.mil
Datum: Montag, 28 Oktober, 2002 um 21:05:12
Kommentar: I currently work on F14 program at NAS Jax and I love the airplane. I hope it gets a life extention beyond 07 but.... Anyway I discovered your site and I enjoyed it very much. Keep up the good work.
K. Pete McDade
Aerospace Engineer
Name: Alan Falk
Email: alandf@shaw.ca
Datum: Sonntag, 27 Oktober, 2002 um 02:01:31
Kommentar: you sure got it covered,too bad they are being swaped for the E & F hornets, what the navy really needed was more D/CATS Super Site!!
Datum: Donnerstag, 24 Oktober, 2002 um 02:46:34
Name: Tony Ayo
Email: ayoto@mail.northgrum.com
Datum: Dienstag, 22 Oktober, 2002 um 13:40:25
Kommentar: Former member of the Iranian F-14 Team.
Name: Tony Ayo
Email: ayoto@mail.northgrum.com
Datum: Dienstag, 22 Oktober, 2002 um 13:40:07
Kommentar: Former member of the Iranian F-14 Team.
Datum: Dienstag, 22 Oktober, 2002 um 08:05:28
Name: Samuel J Solomon
Email: ssolomon@nehi.org
Datum: Montag, 21 Oktober, 2002 um 14:07:53
Kommentar: I was stationed at NAS Oceana as a Simulator Technician assigned to several F-14 flight simulators; the 2F95 OFT and later to the 2E6 Air Combat Manuvering Simulator and 2F112 Weapons System Trainer. I was very pleased to find your site.
Name: Richard Podlaski
Email: www.rcretiree@aol.com
Datum: Sonntag, 20 Oktober, 2002 um 20:14:20
Kommentar: Great pictures of the F14. I worked for Grumman for 38 and 1/2 years 20 of then at Calverton's plt. 7 in both the F14 first flight hangar and in Flight delevopment. It was a sad day when the company was sold. I retired in 1994.
Name: scott galbraith
Email: horse2t2@aol.com
Datum: Sonntag, 20 Oktober, 2002 um 04:37:22
Name: Daniel Danescu
Email: danieldanescu2002@yahoo.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 17 Oktober, 2002 um 15:36:38
Kommentar: Well, not only that I am extremely impressed about your site, but I never saw something so well documented, and I can say that I saw many. Also, PLANES are my big hobby, but I think that, comparing to you, I'm just a BIG NOBODY. CONGRATULATIONS!
From Ploiesti, ROMANIA
eng. Daniel Danescu
Name: Gene Lesserson
Email: Genida@aol.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 16 Oktober, 2002 um 23:46:18
Kommentar: As a 30 year Grumman engineer, 23 years of which was spent on the F-14 Program, I am interested in viewing and purchasing photographic images and specific squadron memorabilia (sweatshirts, hats, cups, patches, etc). Could you supply specific websites.
Thanks - Gene Lesserson
Name: Jamie Patel
Email: anjamiepatel@yahoo.com
Datum: Montag, 14 Oktober, 2002 um 20:10:00
Kommentar: Dear Sir,
I was reading your section on bomb racks and I came across something a little confusing. In the section pertaining to BRU-32's you discussed how the main CAD's produce the gas neccessary to drive the rack's hooks open. However, in the section on CAD's you stated the main purpose of CAD's was to jettison the store if no other means worked. After re-reading the passage a few times I realized you were just talking about the Aux CAD's, but the way it was written seems to suggest all CAD's. I know it's a minor detail, but I admire what you're doing with this site and I feel you deserve to have the most accurate information available.
AT3 Jamie Patel, USN
Name: Javier A. Medina
Email: jetjam619@yahoo.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 9 Oktober, 2002 um 23:26:22
Kommentar: Great website..I was a yellow shirt on board Enterprise 84-88 and was there for the filming of
"TOPGUN". I've got pictures of Tom
Cruise in front of Tomcats from
VF-213 and VF-114.
Name: Javier A. Medina
Email: jetjam619@yahoo.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 9 Oktober, 2002 um 23:25:50
Kommentar: Great website..I was a yellow shirt on board Enterprise 84-88 and was there for the filming of
"TOPGUN". I've got pictures of Tom
Cruise in front of Tomcats from
VF-213 and VF-114.
Name: larry conte
Email: larry_conte2000@lycos.com
Datum: Dienstag, 8 Oktober, 2002 um 09:56:22
Kommentar: guy keep offfff
Name: larry conte
Email: larry_conte2000@lycos.com
Datum: Dienstag, 8 Oktober, 2002 um 09:56:00
Kommentar: guy keep offfff
Name: Massimo D.
Email: acid_max@libero.it
Datum: Samstag, 5 Oktober, 2002 um 20:00:49
Name: Edward Cafarella
Email: ecarfar@dpw.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 3 Oktober, 2002 um 18:12:11
Kommentar: Great site! I was a Photographer's Mate in VF-32 from 1982-1984 working on the TARPS pod.
Name: My friends call me HJ
Email: heikotep12@hotmail.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 3 Oktober, 2002 um 10:27:25
Kommentar: Outstanding site man, Sierra Hotel!!! I am following the Tomcat story since something new appeared in the skies over Saigon back in ´75. I don´t know, if you have - or if someone should have - any intentions to keep the list about "F-14 crashes sorted by date" rightly and orderly. Well, I didn´t have much time to check back with my own data, but at least I can add this, if you don´t mind: You are telling us about an F-14A/VF-201 crash taking place on Dec.23, 1993. This thing definitely happened exactly a year before, in ´92: During an ACM hop that F-14A had a midair with an A-4 some 30m SW of NAS Dallas. The pilot ejected safely, but RIO was fatally injured. The Tomcat (dunno Modex either) was written off. What you left out is the first F-14D(R) loss. It occured on April 13, 1993. As you well know, during 1990/91 the Navy was funded with 18 F-14As to remanufacture them to F-14Ds before defense spending cutbacks and other considerations killed the furthergoing project. This one (BuNo 161154/VF-11/NK105), the thirteenth to be remanufactured, had its history as an A with 2,732 airframe hours logged before conversion and just 73 hours as a D (shit happens!). I shortly went through the stories, Bob Sardo had to tell about the early Tomcat days aboard USS Forrestal in your guestbook, especially the Rick Hauck story about the tires. Reminds me of another funny one during testing I have read about once and a lot of you people already might know. For those who don´t, here is it one more time: Between two Vietnam tours Gene Tucker was assigned to NATC, where he played a significant role in F-14 flight test activities (1971/72). One day he experienced an anti-skid failure at a somewhat slow speed, approximately 40 miles, which blew both of his main tires. Anti-skid normally is to prevent exactly this from happening while allowing you to stand on the brakes as hard as you can soon after landing. This incident gave Gene Tucker the distinction of being the first F-14 driver to blow both main mounts and yielded him the award of a patch that showed a Tomcat on crutches with both feet in a cast!
Keep up your good work, just say NO to F-18 Hornets and take ... number three wire, man!
Name: Bob Sardo
Email: rsardo@aol.com
Datum: Montag, 30 September, 2002 um 02:14:18
Kommentar: Looks good but was disappointed not to see some of the Grumman old timers listed as contributors to your web site. I mean people that were there from the beginning, both at Bethpage and at Pt. Mugu. Lots of stories during the avionics test flight program there, including the one you mentioned of the AIM-7 that went astray and caused F-14 No. 6 to go down in flames. Both crewmembers ejected (Pete Purvis and Bill "Tank" Sherman) that afternoon off Pt. Mugu and still showed up for the Grumman Bowling team in Thousand Oaks, that same evening.
And the first time the M-61 gun was fired, causing the port engine to flame out. And the time during the first avionics night landing, when Hal Farley looked through his HUD combiner glass and saw three sets of runway lights. Not knowing which set to land on, he settled on the middle set of lights and landed safely. That incident led to the removal of the HUD combiner glass and the use of the windshield to reflect the HUD symbol display.
But my all time favorite was when a group of Grumman Avionics engineers were aboard the USS Forrestal when one of the NATC Patuxent Navy pilots catapaulted off the deck, with his parking brake locked!! He blew both tires, leaving two black streaks on the deck, but took it around, dumped his fuel, then made a beautiful landing, taking two wires.
His name? Rick Hauck. Later he became an astronaut, being the shuttle commander of the first shuttle mission following the Challenger disaster.
And one little correction to your history. The first crash of the F-14 in December, 1970, was not due to the hydraulic pump failure. That aircraft suffered the loss of both primary and secondary hydraulic systems. At the last minute some semblance of control was evident until the flight control system also failed. The real cause? The hydraulic pump set up a mechanical resonance that caused the titanium hydraulic lines to start cracking. This was the real cause of failure. Grumman immediately changed back to stainless steel lines for the rest of the production. Titanium was used as a weight saving program but unfortunately, these lines were not compatible with the pumps used.
Hope this helps.
Bob Sardo
Name: Rich Burdish
Email: richsita@yahoo.com
Datum: Freitag, 27 September, 2002 um 19:04:56
Kommentar: EXCELLENT !! I am an ex-Grumanite who followed in his fathers 30 year Grumman carreer. I started at Plant 12 in Bethpage after spending 5 years in the U.S.N. working on and around the F-14. I was deeply saddened when I left with only 13 years in. It just wasn't the same company after the takeover. Since I left I have scoured the internet for Grumman related sites and I must tell you this is by far the absolute best site related to Grumman and her aircraft that I have seen. Beautiful Thank You!!
Name: robert 'iceman' barry- vf154&vf111
Email: dranzery2k2@aol.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 26 September, 2002 um 17:50:35
Kommentar: very well detailed I thought. However I believe you could add a real picture of the cockpit.e-mail me with any info on f-18 take over. I am currently on route to iraq.
Name: robert 'iceman' barry- v154 'black knights' pilot
Email: dranzery2k2@aol.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 26 September, 2002 um 17:38:23
Kommentar: very well detailed I thought. However I believe you could add a real picture of the cockpit.
Name: Todd Accornero
Email: xmanofthehouse@yahoo.com
Datum: Montag, 23 September, 2002 um 02:16:47
Kommentar: Our family used to live in Hempstead NY and my father worked for Grumman Aerospace in Bethpage for almost 20 years. He worked in the plant five model shop making wind tunnel models and other displays. He started with the company in 1965 when Grumman sent him to machinist's school. He worked on the Tomcat and the X-29 projects. Every kids dream was to have a dad that worked around figher aircraft. Your site is very comprehensive and I enjoyed my visit
Name: Gary A
Email: ny2sc@sc.rr.com
Datum: Samstag, 21 September, 2002 um 07:53:23
Kommentar: My dad spent his career at Grumman (Lunar Module program through the jets - A-6, F-14, etc.). I was/am/and always will be in love with the Tomcat. I have lots of patches, stickers, photos, etc. and am glad I found this site. Thanks for bringing back vivid memories of this part of my dad's life. Dad is resting at Calverton Memorial Cemetary and I visit the F-14 at Memorial Park when I visit dad. Thanks, again.
Name: Patrick Brügger
Email: hotpaede@hotmail.com
Datum: Sonntag, 15 September, 2002 um 15:57:33
Kommentar: weiter so
Name: Mike
Email: Abex8@comcast.net
Datum: Sonntag, 15 September, 2002 um 15:02:41
Kommentar: Best F14 site ever!! Would u have list of sub-contracters. Engines, gear, sub-systems, etc.??
Name: Jose Sorola
Email: sorolaj@vp9.navy.mil
Datum: Sonntag, 8 September, 2002 um 23:14:28
Name: Bob
Email: AV8Bharriers55@aol.com
Datum: Samstag, 7 September, 2002 um 06:45:56
Kommentar: BEST TOMCAT SITE EVER!! KICKS ASS!! good work
Name: Jonathan Brinkworth
Datum: Donnerstag, 5 September, 2002 um 20:24:32
Kommentar: One of the best sites I ever visited.The F14 will always be the No.1 aircraft.
Name: Marcelo
Email: irigoyenmarcelo@yahoo.com.ar
Datum: Dienstag, 3 September, 2002 um 23:27:10
Kommentar: Thank you for all.Now I¨m working in a TOMCAT from Revell at 1/24.-
All the information procedes from you re page, the kit will be finish like a cutting edge...really crazy.-
God bless you.-
Name: John Jones
Email: topgunjvj@yahoo.com
Datum: Sonntag, 1 September, 2002 um 16:59:16
Kommentar: Phenominal photos!! I'll send ya some soon..
Name: Joe RAVS
Email: joestomcat@attbi.com
Datum: Sonntag, 1 September, 2002 um 05:27:19
Kommentar: It to bad time is running out for the tomcat
how much time ? and to be replaced by a bug
a hornet but i like them to
Name: GRaham Wearne
Email: graham@funnelwebinternet.com.au
Datum: Dienstag, 27 August, 2002 um 16:09:15
Kommentar: Can anyone tell me the colours of the Tomcat. I already have the grey/ white scheme and all grey scheme, but for model purposes are they gloss or flat colours on the F14A. I already have secveral books on the colous subject but I cannot tell if gloss or flat. Some books say gloss grey / flat white but am still unsure. Anybody comment please.
Graham Wearne
Name: GRaham Wearne
Email: graham@funnelwebinternet.com.au
Datum: Dienstag, 27 August, 2002 um 15:55:34
Kommentar: Can anyone tell me the colours of the Tomcat. I already have the grey/ white scheme and all grey scheme, but for model purposes are they gloss or flat colours on the F14A. I already have secveral books on the colous subject but I cannot tell if gloss or flat. Some books say gloss grey / flat white but am still unsure. Anybody comment please.
Graham Wearne
Name: Jeff Dobbing
Datum: Montag, 26 August, 2002 um 00:15:19
Kommentar: This site is fantastic, Currently making f14 for fs20002 so the close up pics are ideal
Name: Jason
Email: shenene@xtra.co.nz
Datum: Dienstag, 20 August, 2002 um 11:50:24
Kommentar: This site keeps on getting better. Thank you for taking the time to provide TOMCAT FAN's like me a site that makes the internet worth having.
I have come across a story about F14D's from VF 213 Black Lions which occured over Afganistan. I found it on the ARC site (www.aircraftresourcecenter.com )I was wandering if anyone has heard of it or has more info on it.
It goes that a TOMCAT strafed some AL Quada fighters during a CAS mission the pilot was CDR CHIP"BIFF"KING flying a/c 101 Bureau # 164603.
If anyone has more info or pictures of the jet (Of vf 213 F14D's in general please let me know.
Thanks Jason
Name: Marc Arnold
Email: marcarnold@coserv.net
Datum: Samstag, 17 August, 2002 um 05:59:22
Kommentar: Nice trip down memory lane. My association with the F-14 was from 76-80 with VF-1. Did the 78 WestPac on Enterprise and the 80-81 WestPac on Ranger. Had a most excellent time as a "final checker" "troubleshooter" on the flight deck. Being a few feet away from the bird while in 5th stage afterburner (A models, block 65) was a heart throbbing experiance, especially at night. Nothing like night flight ops.....Enjoyed my time at Cubi Point and at Clark supporting ACM with the AF F-4 and F-15 communities. Lost my DO in the bird that crashed on the freeway on final at Miramar...sad time just prior to deployment. I work for Vought Aircraft now (we are currently fabricating replacement Tomcat horizontal replacement stabs for the navy) and I worked for Northrop Grumman before that. I was involved in the life extention upgrade program and overhaul effort in St. Augustine, sure was nice to get in the cockpit again, although the aircraft is really showing it's age. I was surprised to see some low hour A and B models coming in for overhaul. I have a considerable collection of photo's, mainly carrier operations and in flight, up close and personal with Russian Bears and Badgers. You have done the bird proud with this site.
Email: viper_home@usa.com
Datum: Freitag, 16 August, 2002 um 13:18:12
Kommentar: Simply the best F-14 Page I've ever seen... Great!
Email: viper_home@usa.com
Datum: Freitag, 16 August, 2002 um 13:14:32
Kommentar: Simply the best F-14 Page I've ever seen... Great!
Name: Chris
Email: Grumman@optonline.ne
Datum: Freitag, 9 August, 2002 um 02:42:07
Kommentar: The best resource for the Tomcat along with Tomcat Alley.
Name: Chris
Email: Grumman@optonline.net
Datum: Mittwoch, 7 August, 2002 um 22:16:15
Kommentar: One of the best F-14 resources i use for my personal F-14 novel. And if you were wondering, I don't work for Grumman.
Name: Chris
Email: Grumman@optonline.net
Datum: Mittwoch, 7 August, 2002 um 22:15:47
Kommentar: One of the best F-14 resources i use for my personal F-14 novel. And if you were wondering, I don't work for Grumman.
Name: Xavier Chaudeurge
Email: xavier.chaudeurge@wanadoo.fr
Datum: Montag, 5 August, 2002 um 23:03:37
Kommentar: It's always nice to have a break and visit your superb web site from time to time. Again, congratulations for your great job about the F-14; keep going on !!!!
Name: Steve Ireland {AD1 Ret.}
Email: ridesafe@tds.net
Datum: Samstag, 3 August, 2002 um 03:10:04
Kommentar: Looking for any shipmates from VF-143 (USS Eisenhower)in the 1978-1980 timeframe. Would love to hear from the guys from the Mech Shop or Crud Crew.
Name: togo-lome
Email: sly@yahoo.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 1 August, 2002 um 04:14:13
Kommentar: cgfdfgfghhjgjfyf
Name: togo-lome
Email: sly@yahoo.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 1 August, 2002 um 04:13:16
Kommentar: eerrtrtrtrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Name: slyvester sunday
Email: sly@yahoo.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 1 August, 2002 um 04:08:43
Kommentar: eerrtrtrtrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Name: Jim Bastian
Email: nav1963@aol.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 31 Juli, 2002 um 20:44:40
Kommentar: Great site! A tribute to a great aircraft and the finest pilots in the world.
Name: Christian Angelo C. Isip
Email: lantern@edsamail.com.ph
Datum: Mittwoch, 24 Juli, 2002 um 22:14:05
Kommentar: Great page! It's the most complete F-14 page I've ever seen.
By the way, when the time comes for VF-103 to transition into VFA-103, will they carry the "skull and crossbones" with them? Remember that the very reason why VF-103 took the "bones" from VF-84 is that they were afraid that it would end up in a "VFA" squadron. Now that VF-103 is bound to be one, where do the "Bones" go?
Name: Mike Dalton VF-84 72-75
Email: DaltonVF84@aol.com
Datum: Samstag, 20 Juli, 2002 um 18:45:01
Kommentar: WE still had Phantom s when I left, Great Site,,
Name: Mike DAlton VF-84 72-75
Email: DaltonVF84@aol.com
Datum: Samstag, 20 Juli, 2002 um 18:44:46
Kommentar: WE still had Phantom s when I left, Great Site,,
Name: Jim Wintch
Email: j4b2w@attbi.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 18 Juli, 2002 um 20:20:24
Kommentar: My dad was a career Navy man. I've been a great fan of all things tomcat since before the Shah decided he liked them better than eagles. This is far and away the most thorough i.e. the best site on the tomcat that I've ever seen. Thank you for all of your work and the enjoyment I've received because of it.
Name: Eric Scheringa
Email: easmodl@westbrabant.net
Datum: Sonntag, 14 Juli, 2002 um 12:20:41
Kommentar: My compliments to a very complete overview of our beloved F14. I am about to make a turbine-powered big-scale model of this beautiful bird and it's intended to be detailed enough for competition.
Name: Carl
Email: carlbrownjr@mchsi.com
Datum: Freitag, 12 Juli, 2002 um 05:28:31
Kommentar: Really great website, thanks for all the time and effort. Scrap the Hornets, build more Tomcats!
Name: Robert Santiago
Email: ericcccc@aol.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 11 Juli, 2002 um 16:52:02
Kommentar: I was the Supervisor in First Flight on the F14A.
When it made it's 2nd flight, it crashed over Calverton.
Bob Smyth and Bill Miller were the Pilots. Both ejected to safety.
Reviewing the crash site, I picked up the Cockpit Mod. plate.
It has been in my possesion since the crash of December 1969.
Model #F14A
Serial # 151980
Contract #N000-69-C-0422
Robert Santiago
Name: Max Gross
Email: mgross@edony.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 10 Juli, 2002 um 16:50:52
Kommentar: It was a privilage to be a member of the Grumman Engineering Development Team (1984-1997). there is an old Expression that says all good things must come to an end. However, Grumman as an entity ended to soon. Our country lost a great asset.
Name: Per de Lange
Email: k_ovland@hotmail.com
Datum: Montag, 8 Juli, 2002 um 15:48:06
Kommentar: Hi
Could you possibly provide me with the e-mail adress to the company in Soesterberg that makes military patches?
Best regards
Per de Lange
Name: michael
Email: fishfev@yahoo.com
Datum: Samstag, 6 Juli, 2002 um 10:45:11
Kommentar: Hi
I love the pic of the f/14 tomcat
anmd the f/a super tomcat
Name: cyrus
Email: workme5@aol.com
Datum: Dienstag, 2 Juli, 2002 um 06:04:30
Kommentar: yea i have some tomcat photos and pic is tha tomcat is on its side with its wings spread perfect shot so if u want to me to send it just let me know
Name: Chris Morales AMCS(AW) Ret
Email: beckmoe@bellsouth.net
Datum: Dienstag, 2 Juli, 2002 um 05:04:10
Kommentar: Nice website, thankyou for keeping the Tomcat alive. Tomcats Forever!VF-31 1983-1985.
Name: Bjoern
Email: webmaster@militaryaviator.de
Datum: Montag, 1 Juli, 2002 um 10:46:00
Kommentar: Hi Torsten, very very good homepage. Very detailed and absolutely above standard. I´m a german military pilot student and just creating my own website www.militaryaviator.de
I would like to place your banner into my link-directory if you like. maybe you can add mine, too.
continue with this great reference and have a look at mine
Thanks Bj
Name: Jeff Adams
Email: jeffadams38p@netscape.net
Datum: Samstag, 29 Juni, 2002 um 17:19:52
Kommentar: I wish i could fly in one of the jets! I fly from the computer "Jane Combat" is there one from the navy and for PC's? Love this site!!
Name: Iran
Email: Paiam@Irankicks.de
Datum: Freitag, 28 Juni, 2002 um 00:21:48
Kommentar: Super seite !Hab mich über den iran teil sehr gefreut !
weiter so
Datum: Mittwoch, 26 Juni, 2002 um 02:35:51
Datum: Mittwoch, 26 Juni, 2002 um 02:33:54
Datum: Mittwoch, 26 Juni, 2002 um 02:33:31
Datum: Mittwoch, 26 Juni, 2002 um 00:55:26
Name: Eric "Hopper" Hopfensperger
Email: ibanezjs_0101@yahoo.com
Datum: Sonntag, 23 Juni, 2002 um 03:30:42
Kommentar: As a plane captain in VF-101 I find this web site very interesting. I've visited many other sites pretaining to the F-14 and none of them can compare to the information you provide on this particular site..."congrats!" I was wondering if you have done any other sites? I also have a few photo's I could send in as soon as I could get them into the computer. Take it easy.
Name: uwe
Email: webmaster@soetele.de
Datum: Sonntag, 16 Juni, 2002 um 23:20:53
Kommentar: greetings from your birthtown süchteln ;-) www.soetele.de ( www.viersen-suechteln.de )
Datum: Freitag, 14 Juni, 2002 um 20:02:50
Name: Taka Okamura
Email: ironbird@air.linkclub.or.jp
Datum: Donnerstag, 13 Juni, 2002 um 17:25:02
Kommentar: Hello
Here is great Tomcat Web!
I live in Japan. I also One of Tomcat Fans.
This is from my note. All checked in NAF Atsugi at Feb in This year.
VF-154 F-14A
Keep up your good work!
Taka Okamura
"Iron Birds Network" http://www.linkclub.or.jp/~ironbird/ibn/
E-mail ironbird@air.linkclub.or.jp
IBN mailing list http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ibn/
Name: Stephen Zielinski(Ziggy)VF-32
Email: Zone5z@webtv.net
Datum: Mittwoch, 12 Juni, 2002 um 02:30:27
Kommentar: Nice site! I was with VF-32 from 1973-77 on board CV-67 USS.John F Kennedy.VF-14 was there also.I was an electricans mate 2nd class working on the F-14 Tomcat.I loved hitting all the ports of call,especially Egypt.We saw the pyramids!That ROCKED! E me if you were in at those years!
Name: sharif
Email: sharif_82@hotmail.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 6 Juni, 2002 um 17:16:07
Kommentar: good to know there are OTHERS!!!
Name: Phil Dalton, ATCS(AW/SW)
Email: daltonpr@vf101.navy.mil
Datum: Dienstag, 4 Juni, 2002 um 21:37:18
Kommentar: Great web page. I did notice one error in the loses category. The F14B/Upgrade that was lost in March 02 belonged to the Pukin Dogs of VF-143 while deployed aboard the USS Kennedy enroute to the North Arabian Sea in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Keep up the great work.
Name: Len Cormier
Email: len@tour2space.com
Datum: Dienstag, 4 Juni, 2002 um 15:55:40
Kommentar: Fantastically well-done web site. I have found it very helpful for a special project on which I am workng.
Name: R.D Winters
Email: airdaleao@webtv.net
Datum: Montag, 3 Juni, 2002 um 02:15:55
Killer Site!! "Old fart" from 1965 to 1970 with VP-30 and VF-32. I never experienced the F-14 Tomcat, but after reading all your Guest Book I can say that I felt the same about Phantom II F-4B's and J's. The Tomecat was a most worthy successor to the "Topgun" of the sixties! All other "old farts" and other "bird" lovers welcome to E-mail me.
Name: R.D Winters
Email: airdaleao@webtv.net
Datum: Montag, 3 Juni, 2002 um 00:56:23
Killer Site!! Old fogey from 1965 to 1970 with VP-30 and VF-32. I never experienced the F-14 Tomcat, but after reading all your Guest Book I can say that I felt the same about Phantom II F-4B's and J's. The Tomecat was a most worthy successor to the "Topgun" of the sixties!
Name: Charlie Hodge
Email: cwpoway@aol.com
Datum: Sonntag, 2 Juni, 2002 um 08:41:56
Kommentar: Great site. Was in Tomcats from 72 thru 94 when I retired out of 124. Served in VF-1,111,124 (3 tours),194,154. Before tomcats did tours with F-4s in VF-84 & 121
Name: Peter S.
Email: -
Datum: Sonntag, 2 Juni, 2002 um 07:38:37
Kommentar: Cool site!
Name: joost
Email: joost.900sqn@12move.nl
Datum: Dienstag, 21 Mai, 2002 um 21:02:12
Kommentar: Hello i am working with the royal Netherlands Airforce as a F-16 Mechanic, but a huge fan of the F-14. I wish we Could see them more often in Holland.... maybe someday.
just wanted to say, what a great site and keep up the good work.
greetings from holland
Email: xpo@gmx.at
Datum: Sonntag, 19 Mai, 2002 um 17:21:50
Kommentar: Hello Webmaster,
I´m from Austria,Airport LNZ
We have a dream, we want to make the greatest top aviation ranking list in Europe.
Your Website is perfect and excellent,i find your plane photos and your unique planes website wonderful.
Please, sign your page on my AVIATION TOP Ranking List.
I hope we see you in our list soon!
webmaster wings of aircraft power
Name: PH3(AW) Daniel McLain
Email: flynavy_2000@yahoo.com
Datum: Samstag, 18 Mai, 2002 um 23:34:23
Kommentar: Forgot to add, i'm currently with VF-2 Bounty Hunters and was on their last WestPac deployment from March 01-Sept 01. Been there again late this year!
Name: PH3(AW) Daniel McLain
Email: flynavy_2000@yahoo.com
Datum: Samstag, 18 Mai, 2002 um 23:30:51
Kommentar: Just wanted to ay great site. Its good to see some great photos of the F-14! I can't beleive i actually landed a job in the Navy where i just take pictures of F-14D Tomcats and work with aerial cameras (TARPS and LANTIRN). Keep up the good work and you'll see some photos soon! -Dan
Name: Sascha (or Boergy)
Email: BoergyGT@web.de
Datum: Donnerstag, 16 Mai, 2002 um 08:53:03
Kommentar: Hi! I am from Sankt Augustin (Germany) and I think that the TOMCAT is the best Fighter of the USA.
Name: Michal "Cougar" Turecek
Email: cougar@fa18-hornet.cz
Datum: Mittwoch, 15 Mai, 2002 um 01:29:35
Kommentar: VERY VERY NICE WEB ABOUT MY POPULAR AIRCRAFT! If you want se something about F/A-18 Hornet touch down there www.fa18-hornet.cz (only czech version)
Name: jts (info request)
Email: jwts1017@hotmail.com
Datum: Montag, 13 Mai, 2002 um 18:52:24
Kommentar: NOTE: Revised and resubmitted due to server transfer problems....
Please send bulk (50 or max. qty. available) aviation museum brochures to the following addressees:
Attn: Reference (to all)
USAF Museum
Information Directorate 1100 Spaatz St.
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433
Helen Goldwyn Memorial Library Hollywood Area Branch-LAPL 1623 Ivar Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90028
Santa Monica Public Library
1343 6th St.
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Ocean Park Branch Library
2601 Main St.
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Montana Area Library
1704 Montana Ave.
Santa Monica, CA 90403
Fairview Branch Library
2101 Ocean Park Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Palisades Branch Library 861 Alma Real Dr
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Brentwood Branch Library
11820 San Vicente Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Venice-Abbott Kinney Library
501 S Venice Blvd
Venice, CA 90291
LosAngeles Public Library
11360 Santa Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90025
West Los Angeles Regional Library
11360 Santa Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Newport Beach Public Library 1000 Avacado Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92660
Jack R. Hunt Memorial Library Embry Riddle Aeronautical University 600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd. Daytona Beach, FL 32114
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 3200 Willow Creek Road Prescott, AZ 86301
Avis Williams Library Dekalb County Public Library
1282 McConnell Dr
Decatur, GA 30033
Lithgow Public Library 45 Winthrop St. Augusta ME 04330
Fort Kent Public Library 1 Pleasant St. Ft. Kent, ME 04743
Portland Public Library 465 Congress St # 5 Portland, ME 04101
Turner Memorial Public Library 39 2nd St. Presque Isle, ME 04769
Anne Arundel County Public Library 1410 West Street Annapolis, MD 21401
Worcester Public Library 200-14th St. Ocean City, MD 21842
Severna Park Library 45 W. McKinsey Road Severna Park, MD 21146
New York Public Library 33 E. Broadway Manhattan, N.Y. 10002
Steele Memorial Library 101 E. Church St. Elmira, N.Y.14901
Coyle Free Library
102 N Main Street
Chambersburg, PA, 17201
FREL 35 Ragged Edge Road Chambersburg, PA 17201
New Hanover County Library 201 Chestnut St. Wilmington, N.C. 28401
Chapin Memorial Library 400-14th Ave. Myrtle Beach, S.C. 29577
Edward Ward Carmack Sumner County Public Library 658 Hartsville Pike Gallatin, TN 37066-2523
Nashville Public Library 225 Polk St. Nashville, TN 37203
Oceanfront Area Library
1811 Arctic Ave
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Virginia Beach Public Library
4100 Virginia Beach Blvd
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
La Magnétothèque 1055 Bd René Lévesque E, Montréal, QC H2L 45
Bibliothèque Municipale d'Omerville 67 St Jacques O, Omerville, QC J1X 4H4
Bibliothèque Municipale de Rock Forest 968 du Haut Bois, Rock Forest, QC J1N 2T3
Centre Régional de Services aux Bibliothèques de l'Estrie Inc.
4155 Brodeur, Sherbrooke, QC J1L 1K4
Bibliothèque Municipale de Windsor 54 St Georges, Windsor, QC J1S 1J5
Please send a single brochure to the following addressees:
Barry Marple 2544 Peritan Rd. Virginia Beach, VA 23454
J.T. Smith C/o 1707 Bayside Dr. * Marling Farms Chester, MD 21619-2839
Jim McLean 1209 Little Creek * Dominion Chester, MD 21619
Gene McClendon 50 Inwood Circle # 6 Atlanta, GA 30314
Philip J. Cody 1803 Queens Rd. Albany, GA 31707
Paul Gauthier C/o Information Spectrum, Inc./ISI, Inc. MCAS Cherry Point NARF * 103 Belltown Rd. Havelock, N.C. 28532
Bret Snow 348 Drivers Lane Gallatin, TN 37066
Ed Lawrence 7 Benita Ave. Elmira, N.Y. 14903
Thank You!!
Name: jts
Email: info request
Datum: Montag, 13 Mai, 2002 um 18:51:52
Kommentar: NOTE: Revised and resubmitted due to server transfer problems....
Please send bulk (50 or max. qty. available) aviation museum brochures to the following addressees:
Attn: Reference (to all)
USAF Museum
Information Directorate 1100 Spaatz St.
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433
Helen Goldwyn Memorial Library Hollywood Area Branch-LAPL 1623 Ivar Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90028
Santa Monica Public Library
1343 6th St.
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Ocean Park Branch Library
2601 Main St.
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Montana Area Library
1704 Montana Ave.
Santa Monica, CA 90403
Fairview Branch Library
2101 Ocean Park Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Palisades Branch Library 861 Alma Real Dr
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Brentwood Branch Library
11820 San Vicente Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Venice-Abbott Kinney Library
501 S Venice Blvd
Venice, CA 90291
LosAngeles Public Library
11360 Santa Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90025
West Los Angeles Regional Library
11360 Santa Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Newport Beach Public Library 1000 Avacado Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92660
Jack R. Hunt Memorial Library Embry Riddle Aeronautical University 600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd. Daytona Beach, FL 32114
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 3200 Willow Creek Road Prescott, AZ 86301
Avis Williams Library Dekalb County Public Library
1282 McConnell Dr
Decatur, GA 30033
Lithgow Public Library 45 Winthrop St. Augusta ME 04330
Fort Kent Public Library 1 Pleasant St. Ft. Kent, ME 04743
Portland Public Library 465 Congress St # 5 Portland, ME 04101
Turner Memorial Public Library 39 2nd St. Presque Isle, ME 04769
Anne Arundel County Public Library 1410 West Street Annapolis, MD 21401
Worcester Public Library 200-14th St. Ocean City, MD 21842
Severna Park Library 45 W. McKinsey Road Severna Park, MD 21146
New York Public Library 33 E. Broadway Manhattan, N.Y. 10002
Steele Memorial Library 101 E. Church St. Elmira, N.Y.14901
Coyle Free Library
102 N Main Street
Chambersburg, PA, 17201
FREL 35 Ragged Edge Road Chambersburg, PA 17201
New Hanover County Library 201 Chestnut St. Wilmington, N.C. 28401
Chapin Memorial Library 400-14th Ave. Myrtle Beach, S.C. 29577
Edward Ward Carmack Sumner County Public Library 658 Hartsville Pike Gallatin, TN 37066-2523
Nashville Public Library 225 Polk St. Nashville, TN 37203
Oceanfront Area Library
1811 Arctic Ave
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Virginia Beach Public Library
4100 Virginia Beach Blvd
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
La Magnétothèque 1055 Bd René Lévesque E, Montréal, QC H2L 45
Bibliothèque Municipale d'Omerville 67 St Jacques O, Omerville, QC J1X 4H4
Bibliothèque Municipale de Rock Forest 968 du Haut Bois, Rock Forest, QC J1N 2T3
Centre Régional de Services aux Bibliothèques de l'Estrie Inc.
4155 Brodeur, Sherbrooke, QC J1L 1K4
Bibliothèque Municipale de Windsor 54 St Georges, Windsor, QC J1S 1J5
Please send a single brochure to the following addressees:
Barry Marple 2544 Peritan Rd. Virginia Beach, VA 23454
J.T. Smith C/o 1707 Bayside Dr. * Marling Farms Chester, MD 21619-2839
Jim McLean 1209 Little Creek * Dominion Chester, MD 21619
Gene McClendon 50 Inwood Circle # 6 Atlanta, GA 30314
Philip J. Cody 1803 Queens Rd. Albany, GA 31707
Paul Gauthier C/o Information Spectrum, Inc./ISI, Inc. MCAS Cherry Point NARF * 103 Belltown Rd. Havelock, N.C. 28532
Bret Snow 348 Drivers Lane Gallatin, TN 37066
Ed Lawrence 7 Benita Ave. Elmira, N.Y. 14903
Thank You!!
Name: Steve Bruce
Email: f14fixr@yahoo.com
Datum: Samstag, 11 Mai, 2002 um 22:35:30
Kommentar: Great site. I am trying to find out information about the crash of LtCdr. Chris Blaschum. Lt. "Basher" Blaschum was my division officer in VF-143 1992-1993. He was one of the better officers I knew. It's sad to lose such a stand-up guy. We lost a top notch "Pukin' Dog".
Name: Gary Chin
Email: gchin34@yahoo.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 8 Mai, 2002 um 14:46:47
Kommentar: Just wanted to say..great website! Tons of info on the F14 and in great detail. Keep up the great work.
Name: Carole Korade
Email: clk11801@optonline.net
Datum: Samstag, 4 Mai, 2002 um 17:31:38
Kommentar: Thank you for all of your work. I enjoyed seeing all the aircraft that I worked on. I worked in the Flight Test Telemetry Station for Peg Hewit and then Jane Wiswell.
Name: Anderson "Fear Factory" Santos
Email: andersonwmaster@hotmail.com
Datum: Samstag, 4 Mai, 2002 um 08:22:55
Kommentar: Hello!!! I'm from Brazil and I'm a big fan of the F-14 Tom Cat, also the VF-41 Black Aces. I just wanna know if I can win an T-Shirt of the VF-41 or something about that squadron.
Go Ahead SU-Killers and TomCat Lovers!
Name: Anderson "Fear Factory" Santos
Email: andersonwmaster@hotmail.com
Datum: Samstag, 4 Mai, 2002 um 08:22:30
Kommentar: Hello!!! I'm from Brazil and I'm a big fan of the F-14 Tom Cat, also the VF-41 Black Aces. I just wanna know if I can win an T-Shirt of the VF-41 or something about that squadron.
Go Ahead SU-Killers and TomCat Lovers!
Name: vince shay
Email: vshayvinny1@yahoo.com
Datum: Freitag, 3 Mai, 2002 um 04:40:12
Kommentar: thanks guys it was fun to take a walk back in history. was in vf-121,vf-154,vf-114 and comfit.
Name: coolgi
Email: coolgi@ethome.net.tw
Datum: Mittwoch, 1 Mai, 2002 um 17:07:42
Kommentar: good
Name: Timmers Pieter
Datum: Dienstag, 30 April, 2002 um 22:13:20
Kommentar: I like your photografs very much. Because I like F-14's.I am from Belgium.
Name: Aaron Francis Atwood
Email: angelhlp@bigfoot.com
Datum: Sonntag, 28 April, 2002 um 13:51:44
Kommentar: I love the Tomcat as much as I love military. I think the US Navy is making one hell of a big mistake to put the F14 out of business! There's no other fighter that can carry Phoenix missles, intercept long range aircraft and cruise missles, and can track 24 targets and engage 6 of those at the same time!!!
Name: Edward Stevenson
Email: estomcat@aol.com
Datum: Sonntag, 28 April, 2002 um 07:32:27
Kommentar: Mr. Anft,
It has been my life long dream, ever since the age of 2, to be a naval aviator primarily to fly the F-14. I am currently persuing that goal as a Midshipman at the U.S. Naval Academy. Unfortunately, the rumor mill over here says that the graduates of this institution from the classes of 2001 and 2002 will be the last to go to Pensacola and be able to get the Tomcat. It is truly a disturbing fact to know that such an impressive piece of aeronautical enigenerring, with a proven record of success and a resume that history will prove to defeat the Hornet and Super Hornet, is in its final years of service if Congres and the Dept. of the Navy have their way. Every pilot, military officer, and engineer that i have talked to in my 20 years of existence have stated that the Tomcat is hands down the greatest strike fighter to ever serve in the U.S. Arsenal. To relplace the Tomcat with the Superhornet will be to replace a proven and effectice weapon of war with an inferior product. Considering the current global situation that we are in, the Navy should not be sacrificing proven worth due to politics. It's an unfortunate circumstance that could put the Navy in a very precarious position if the crud hits the fan. Unfortunately, being a member of the class of 2005, I may never get the oppurtunity to fly the Tomcat but, in my mind as well as the minds of many of classmates, it will forever be the greatest strike fighter of all time. I've been follwing your website since my sophomore year in HIgh School and I want to extend a personal thank you on behalf of the U.S. Navy faction that still holds the Tomcat in the highest regard. If the big shots payed more attention to the facts, then the Tomcat might not be in its last days. Lets hope that something can be resolved before the bird takes her last flight. Once again thank you!
Very Respectfully,
E.M. Stevenson
Name: Kelvin Jones
Email: kjones9618@aol.com
Datum: Samstag, 27 April, 2002 um 02:19:49
Kommentar: I enjoyed looking at these pics I was deployed aboard the uss amercia va-72 during the summer of 1986 in the med thank again
Name: Chip King
Email: skybiff@aol.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 25 April, 2002 um 19:42:44
Kommentar: Great site
Name: Thomas Hayden
Datum: Mittwoch, 24 April, 2002 um 23:11:30
Kommentar: Absolutely superb site, Torsten!
Tom Hayden - Phantom Phixer
76-77 VF-101 Grim Reapers
77-79 VF-171 Aces
Name: Robert
Email: im0001@hotmail.com
Datum: Dienstag, 23 April, 2002 um 02:17:19
Kommentar: Great site. F-14 TOMCAT RUELS FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Oscar Garcia
Email: ogcamou@yahoo.com
Datum: Sonntag, 21 April, 2002 um 07:46:52
Kommentar: Hello since i am a navy pilot i just wanna say flying the f14 tomcat is the best experience i have ever had but landing is really hard especially at night but i mastered it thank u very much and all i wanna say is this is a cool page with cool planes and if u are thinking yes i did fly one mission over afghanistan it was scarey but you have to face your fears sometimes huh? well see you all later and if u wanna ask me anything about the f14 tomcat my email is up there and if u didnt see it up there it is ogcamou@yahoo.com
Name: Oscar Garcia
Email: ogcamou@yahoo.com
Datum: Sonntag, 21 April, 2002 um 07:46:35
Kommentar: Hello since i am a navy pilot i just wanna say flying the f14 tomcat is the best experience i have ever had but landing is really hard especially at night but i mastered it thank u very much and all i wanna say is this is a cool page with cool planes and if u are thinking yes i did fly one mission over afghanistan it was scarey but you have to face your fears sometimes huh? well see you all later and if u wanna ask me anything about the f14 tomcat my email is up there and if u didnt see it up there it is ogcamou@yahoo.com
Name: Bill Trapp
Email: bltra@zianet.com
Datum: Samstag, 20 April, 2002 um 05:54:47
Kommentar: I'm trying to locate a picture of the Jolly Rogers F-14 climbing out titled "The Cats Night Out". Can you help
Name: Nasser Habibi
Email: naser_habibi72@yahoo.com
Datum: Freitag, 19 April, 2002 um 07:41:06
Kommentar: Dear sir,
I am one of the member of Grumman company betwin year 1973-1978 in Iran,
and I am very intersted to have contact with some of my old friends " my job mates " that's why I am putting you in troble,
I want to know any news from :
Mr.Richard D Conolly and also his family and Mr.William James.
if you could find any contact number or any address of them please kindly reply back , and if you couldn't find any thing about them please help me how I can find them ,
Naser Habibi
Name: norm gosnell
Email: norm0001@hotmail.com
Datum: Freitag, 19 April, 2002 um 05:39:53
Kommentar: Hello, I found your web site while researching information about my old squadron. Since the ships I sailed on are all retired I wondered where my old squadron was now. I was not having any luck until read that my old squadron had changed their name. I was in VF 103 Sluggers back in '79 to '82. I found they are now the "Jolly Rogers". I felt sad to see the Sluggers had passed, but felt even prouder that they had Picked up the Jolly Rogers name to help carry a on a name and tradition for such a well deserving, world recognized skull and crossbones as a part of the Fighter Squadrons of the United States Navy. Thanks for the great web site and I plan to visit again soon to purchase some photos and prints. Again Thank You from a not so old but proud to have served Slugger.
Name: paul billard
Email: paulbillard2002@yahoo.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 18 April, 2002 um 23:10:24
Kommentar: your site is great an i have a question for you. is there a list of every country that has the f-14? if you could hep me i would be very greatful-thanks paul
Name: Stan Cook
Email: stannshell@hotmail.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 18 April, 2002 um 03:34:20
Kommentar: I am a Gunfighter from 92 until Decom then VF-101 Det Miramar
Name: simon peter
Email: simonpeter_2001@yahoo.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 17 April, 2002 um 20:47:44
Kommentar: i love your site please i wa,nt to have your guestbook in my company.
Thnak you.
Email: Wolf.pack@wanadoo.fr
Datum: Dienstag, 16 April, 2002 um 14:07:58
Kommentar: Very interesting and enjoying site.
I'm a TOMCAT lover.
Just a little thing:
Helmets photos would be welcome.
cause i'm an flight helmet collectionner and it's hard to know if the helmets i find are original or not.
Thousands of thanks and
Name: David Lamb
Email: grummie@juno.com
Datum: Montag, 15 April, 2002 um 01:25:55
Kommentar: enjoying your web site! I was an electron beam weld operator, welding wings and center sections for the F14 at Grumman for many years, and I still marvel at this beautiful aircraft! Great Company, great aircraft. Will visit your site again. Interested in patches and pins
Name: Emile
Email: Base_Toaster@hotmail.com
Datum: Sonntag, 14 April, 2002 um 16:50:41
Kommentar: I like youre site very much. I am a Tomcat freak and hopefully I will become a fighter pilot myself. Unfortunately I will not be able to fly a Tomcat because I live in South Africa. Hopefully be joining our Air Force soon, Thank you for this info about the Tomcat.
Cheers Emile
Name: George Cepeda
Email: anim8r2@ix.netcom.com
Datum: Samstag, 13 April, 2002 um 08:11:03
Kommentar: Hi Torsten!
I've had your site bookmarked for months and enjoy the coverage on the F-14 you have.
I'm an American citizen myself and have been VERY aware of the F-14 since 1986 (I was fifteen at the time) and am a big fan of the plane. I've seen the aircraft in action in 1990 at the Dayton Airshow in Ohio -- both the crewmen that flew the F-14B demonstration aircraft that year were from my homestate of Ohio -- and over the skies of San Diego (Miramar NAS, which is now Miramar MCAS, a Marine Corps Air Station as of 1996 -- Top Gun was moved to Fallon NAS in Virginia) while I was on vacation in the area in 1995.
No question the US Congress and the US Navy, in particular, made a BIG mistake when they cancelled the F-14D manufacture and development program in favor of the F-18E/F Super Hornet. This is a decision that's already beginning to impact the US Navy. When you settle all the arguments about speed, maneuverability, and bombloads of the types, the fact is the long-range radar, superior sensors (FLIR and LANTIRN), and missile capabilities of the Tomcat are being thrown away. THIS IS INSANE!!!!
The F-18E/F isn't much cheaper than the Tomcat was -- actually, I've read the Super Hornets are quite a bit more expensive with INFERIOR overall flight performance to the Tomcats -- and the growth potential isn't there. The Super Hornets have all the drag problems, range, and acceleration deficiencies of the original Hornets -- only they've been magnified in a stretched airframe! I'm no aerospace engineer by any stretch, but this sure doesn't make sense to me...!
A lot of the flight control problems of the Tomcat (its relatively slow roll-rate, poor handling in carrier landing approaches, etc.) have immediate technological solutions that could be implemented without breaking the US Navy's bank... A lot of the handling problems have been solved by the new DFCS (Digital Flight Control System) adapted from the EuroFighter and NASA's test flights from the early 1980s conclusively demonstrate that the aircraft's maneuverability could be markedly improved not only with more powerful engines but THRUST-vectoring. The same could be said with the F-15 on which one early prototype was tested with thrust-vectoring beginning in the late 1980s.
Anyhow, the link the F-14/F-18 debate article is at http://www.flightjournal.com/
The original article was written by Bob Kress (head of the F-14 design team) and Gillcrist, the admiral that wrote the definitive F-14 book.
Interesting read.
And, oh, there's a BIG discussion on the bulletin board of the website being posted to by a LOT of Navy fliers and armchair engineers.
G. Cepeda
P.S. -- Adm. Gillcrist and Mr. Kress have BOTH posted to the bulletin board at Flight Journal. In all honesty, the comments coming from a Naval Officer posting on the same board have smacked of "less than full truthfulness" and somewhat disparaging to the other two gentlemen (Kress and Gillcrist). Interesting read, at any rate -- and indicative of the serious problems in the US Navy aviation community... Too many active people are trying to save their own butts by supporting programs that are providing bad solutions to very big problems and unfortunately may be putting servicemen at big risk in the near future.
Name: Paul Taylor
Email: TMADMAXX@aol.com
Datum: Freitag, 12 April, 2002 um 08:37:03
Kommentar: Jammin F-14 site.I am a flight helmet collector heavy into Tomcat squadron helmets and some others.I also make excellent F-14 squadron replica fighter pilots helmets.Check out my collection in the 'my photos' section of my gallery at http://photos.yahoo.com/camelotf18
Name: Robert Dahler
Email: robertdahler@wanadoo.nl
Datum: Donnerstag, 11 April, 2002 um 18:20:26
Kommentar: Hi,
how are you?
At first i want to compliment you with your great site, there are really nice pics on your site.
I have a Aviation site too, http://home.wanadoo.nl/robertdahler
there are lots of pics on the site of aircraft in catagories.
If there are pics you like you can use them on your site, all the pics on the site are made by me.
I live in Holland near Soesterberg Ab.
Robert Dahler
Name: my friens call me INCUBUS.
Datum: Donnerstag, 11 April, 2002 um 09:53:18
Kommentar: first,i writte from chile, then sorry for my poor english.
i find this page just surfing in the net and WOOW!!! SURPRISE this is what i was looking for. i`m a model builder and A BIG FAN OF THE GREAT F-14. this is a wonderfull page, carry on and tanx for all the information that you have here. my best regards for you....
Name: my friens call me INCUBUS.
Datum: Donnerstag, 11 April, 2002 um 09:52:04
Kommentar: first,i writte from chile, then sorry for my poor english.
i find this page just surfing in the net and WOOW!!! SURPRISE this is what i was looking for. i`m a model builder and A BIG FAN OF THE GREAT F-14. this is a wonderfull page, carry on and tanx for all the information that you have here. my best regards for you....
Name: Laurie Hillier
Email: laurie_hillier@hotmail.com
Datum: Montag, 8 April, 2002 um 08:23:16
Kommentar: You're right: I can throw away all my books on the Tomcat ... this site IS better, much better (I only wish I'd known about it before wasting all those dollars on paper !).
Congratulations on a job very well done. I'll be back, often.
(the Scooter buff from downunder)
Name: George
Email: morpheus_2112@hotmail.com
Datum: Sonntag, 7 April, 2002 um 10:32:00
Kommentar: Hey man..that's a great site. I am absolutely in love with this beautiful jet and its good to see how others out there share the same feeling.
Tomcat Forever!
Name: Staffan B. Juul
Email: Staffbj@ofir.dk
Datum: Sonntag, 7 April, 2002 um 07:30:36
Kommentar: I like your site, great tribute to one of the best aircraft ever!!
I'm a modelbuilder from Denmark and your photos and insignias have proven to be very valuable
Name: Luke Galarraga
Email: uscolmrne@yahoo.com
Datum: Freitag, 5 April, 2002 um 12:02:02
Kommentar: This is a great webpage. I am also a fan of the Tomcat, and I hate the F/A-18. To all of you Tomcat pilots and RIOS, you guys are my heroes, specialy the VF-2 and VF-103 pilots.
Name: Bruce clarke
Email: snoopy@phonewave.net
Datum: Freitag, 5 April, 2002 um 10:25:41
Kommentar: just to let you know three more tomcats off to the scrap yard:
159873,161869 and 160669.
Name: gavin schoppaul
Email: wellyboy@aol.com
Datum: Dienstag, 2 April, 2002 um 05:18:03
Kommentar: I see you have a passion for fighter jets...how and when did that come about in your life? i will be going into the airforce in two years after i graduate arizona state university and i would like some advice or anything that you would like to say about flying. i love the site and i added it into my favorites. God bless. Gavin
Name: Mike Foltz
Email: mjfoltz@oknet1.net
Datum: Montag, 1 April, 2002 um 03:58:21
Kommentar: Like your web page. I have enjoyed it. Just wondering if you might know or have any info or pictures of Lt. Com Stan "Indian" Foltz.
He was a Tophatter that is all I
can tell you about him. He is no longer with us & would like to find out more about his career.
There was 15yrs. difference between
out ages so I didn't get to know him
Mike Foltz
Name: Don DiGalbo
Email: dondigalbo@attbi.com
Datum: Sonntag, 31 März, 2002 um 18:45:21
Kommentar: Great site! I worked for Grumman from 1969-72 at Pt. Mugu NAS as a Systems Analyst/Programmer on the F-14 Project. I would like to bid $50.00 for the signed print.
Name: Helder Alexandre gonçalves Pinto
Email: dont have one yet
Datum: Freitag, 29 März, 2002 um 20:27:37
Kommentar: congratulations for this great site , Im a planes lover and most of all an F14 Tomcat lover, so i want to thank you for share all this information with us. - Greating from Portugal
Name: John k
Email: johnk@hotmail.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 27 März, 2002 um 20:24:51
Kommentar: I'm so happy to found this site
Email: WHfaber@msn.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 27 März, 2002 um 14:06:39
Name: Mid B.J.Power RN
Email: benpow83@aol.com
Datum: Sonntag, 24 März, 2002 um 12:20:51
Kommentar: Great site, real tribute to the Tomcat.
Name: David (Barcelona, Spain)
Email: davidtomcat@hotmail.com
Datum: Sonntag, 24 März, 2002 um 09:40:39
Kommentar: Torsten you're the best. This is the most complete site about the most beautiful plane ever built. I am in love with the F-14. I am studiing in a US university right now, and one of the motivations to achieve the scholarship that brought me here was to have an interview with a recruiter from the US Navy to get in. No way, I am not American. I've seen two Tomcats flying in US, and the emotion made me cry. Nobody understood. Take care.
Name: Matt Sederquist
Email: mhsederquist@hotmail.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 21 März, 2002 um 03:34:06
Kommentar: Hello everybody. I love this site and the F-14 Tomcat. I really wish we had a high quality F-14
Simulator on the market (Computer game) such as Janes F/A-18. Since there isn’t one, I believe
that we should go about making our own. Before you call me crazy, hear me out. Games have
been put together by non-commercial dev teams before. In fact, there are several in the works for
popular science fiction T.V. shows. With as many helpful people as there are out there, I think
that an organized effort in this field would go far. I am not the person to manage the team into
creating a sim of this wonderful aircraft. I simply don’t know enough about making computer
games or have the experience managing computer dev teams such as this. I could help us point in
a direction, and possibly take the position of web master, but I think choosing another to become
manager is a smart decision.
Here would be some outlines for the Sim:
- Graphics similar if not slightly better than those of Janes F/A-18.
- All 3 main Tomcat Variants modeled. (F-14A, F-14B, F-14D.)
- Super realistic flight model tested by those who flew this marvelous machine.
- Possible several time periods modeled. (1970's, 1980's, 1990's, 2000+)
- Hopefully inclusion of an advanced Tomcat Variant (ASF-14.) To show people what the navy
is missing out on.
- Multi-player Capable, possibly the formation of online Squadrons and Leagues. (For instance,
there could be 1 official squadron for every real squadron, and they would fly the same aircraft as
the real squadron. Pilots would have the possibility to transfer between squadrons and all
squadrons would be managed under some form of league.
- Future ability to add other aircraft such to the game. (Enemy’s, aggressor aircraft, possible
allied aircraft such as F/A-18 etc.) The add-on aircraft would have the possibility of being as
detailed as the F-14.
If you are interested, email me. mhsederquist@hotmail.com
Name: PH1 Ben M. Kidwell USNR-R-Retired
Email: benkidwel8@aol.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 20 März, 2002 um 22:23:46
Kommentar: Former TARPS shop supervisor VF-202
Name: CAMBERLIN Thierry
Email: cam0464@yahoo.fr
Datum: Mittwoch, 20 März, 2002 um 12:58:51
Kommentar: Your site is the best I've ever seen on the net. I'm very interrested in th F14 and I've found everything I was looking for.
Captain aviator Camberlin
Operation Officer of the 16 Batallion liaison helicopter of the Belgian Light Aviation
Email: apache@surf724.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 20 März, 2002 um 02:58:24
Kommentar: I AM SO SORRY FOR BOTHERING YOU ALL AGAIN! HOWEVER IF ANYONE EVER COMES ACROSS , has or can get a copy of The Discovery Wings Channels program from about 8 -10 years ago on the F14, I would gladly pay to obtain a copy of it please. It had a nice part on origional proyotype and 1x as well! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Email: apache@surf724.com
Datum: Dienstag, 19 März, 2002 um 06:03:39
Kommentar: Iwould first like to ask anyone out in world that may see this message: i would be so happy and greatful if anyone ever has access to all photos ever taken of Grumman's F-14 PROTOTYPE MOCK-UP DESIGN 303B( AND love to have copies of all available photos ever taken by Grumman on them both. (and) THE F-14 1X THAT WAS SECOND TOMCAT to take it's place as the first Tomcat in 1971. i would love to have all available photos on both the mock-up design model 303 first tomcat and the 1x that replaced the origional Tomcat mock-up. i just want them to always look at and admire, cheerish and remember them by for my scrap book . and to lrt my son Eric use next year for school book report for his final exam term paper. also if Bob Smythe ever sees this, I would love to be able to email him personally and try to say a few words and get his autograph to put with these photos of both Tomcat prototypes(mock-ups design) aircraft: BU # 157980 AND 157981 RESPECTIVELY. bILL FROM gRUMMAN WAS VERY HELPFUL AND HE SURE WAS RIGHT when he said that this trully is one of the finest F-14 sites around! Thanks for the pictures you "do" HAVE ON THE PROTOTYPES SIR. Sure hope someday that someone will take my advice and will make a book just on Grumman's F-14 PROTOTYPES. i SAW THE f-14 prototype mock-up design 303b and the 1X on Discovery Wing's Channel back in 1995-6 and just last week on The History Channel's Modern Marvels' F-14. tHESE ARE THE ONLY 2 TIMES THAT i HAVE BEEN SO PRIVILIDGED TO SEE THEM ON TV or their what they look like; along with this marvelous website. If anyone can or please will ever obtain these photos available on both aircraft 157980 and 157981; I would be greatful I will always keep and cheerish them till I pass on and will give to my son for his children to see. I dont know why, I guess it's just the way they look, their paint schemes and them being first 2 Tomcats is the reason I want their pics so badly! Thanks to all for having those pics on internet and to Bill and all at Grumman in Bethpage. I hand wrote a letter to Grummans Long Island Grumman History Center as a last ditch effort in obtaining them. pLEASE EMAIL ME mR sMYTHE IF YOU EVER SEE THIS EMAIL. iD LOVE TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT THE FIRST tOMCATS SIR. And thanks to this site and Bill at Grumman. And if there are any sites with pics of these prototypes and books on them; Id sure love to know about them. Thank You and God Bless all and America! Tony Pache, Jr and son Eric in Sharpsville, PA USA apache@surf724.com God Bless all!
Name: D.Cannan
Email: daniel15d@iprimus.com.au
Datum: Montag, 18 März, 2002 um 10:44:59
Kommentar: mate this is the best site on F-14's you can find out anything about the planes straight off here without looking all over the net.
Email: apache@surf724.com
Datum: Sonntag, 17 März, 2002 um 18:28:45
Kommentar: Dear Friends: If anyone ever sees this and can please tell me how, where or whom I may be able to get F-14 PROTOTYPE PHOTOS FROM; I would certainly love to have them to always look at and treasure. Also as well for my son Eric's school report as well! Also dear friends, how I can email Bob Smythe who was pilot in that F-14. I would love to be able to say hi and ask his advice about obtaining those photos and talking to him about that first Tomcat and his fellow pilot in that mission. And try to get his autograph to always cheerish and admire. Thank you very much! All of you! Sincerely, Tony Pache, Jr.////6915 LAMOR RD //// SHARPSVILLE, PA 16150///// apache@surf724.com. THANK YOU!
Email: apache@surf724.com
Datum: Sonntag, 17 März, 2002 um 16:03:28
Kommentar: Hello everyone! Anyone know where I can please obtain photos of origional F-14 Tomcat prototype ? I sure would love to have them for my son's book report in school! Thank You! Tony
Name: miha
Email: miha_cesar@hotmail.com
Datum: Samstag, 16 März, 2002 um 23:48:13
Kommentar: hi jm from slovenia,and jm iteresting if ju coud send me aphotos on my e-mail.if you ar iterested in photos of other aircraft,send me a e-mail and j wil sended to you.bye miha
Name: Markus "Grimreaper" Kress
Email: grimmreaper@t-online.de
Datum: Freitag, 15 März, 2002 um 19:15:33
Kommentar: Bei dem Nick bedarf es keines weiteren kommentares , oder ? Deine seite ist einfach nur super..........hab lange nach sowas gesucht.........
Name: peter schellander
Email: petair@gmx.at
Datum: Freitag, 15 März, 2002 um 14:25:53
Kommentar: great, great, great
great, bigger,best
einfach das beste das ich je gesehen habe - ich wünschte alle flieger könnten so präsentiert sein bzw. werden; für einen modellbauer schlichtweg "state of art"
Name: Scott H
Email: kaosrogue711@aol.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 13 März, 2002 um 03:02:23
Kommentar: Fantastic site..i've been a military aviation buff for years myself, airshow season is fast approaching so maybe i will have some nice photos to send you soon
Name: Scott H
Email: kaosrogue711@aol.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 13 März, 2002 um 03:02:15
Kommentar: Fantastic site..i've been a military aviation buff for years myself, airshow season is fast approaching so maybe i will have some nice photos to send you soon
Name: Daniel 'Raven' Henderson
Datum: Dienstag, 12 März, 2002 um 16:47:01
Kommentar: This site has made my english talk research so easy. Thanks!!
Name: Norm Schleif
Email: normschleif@spencebrothers.com
Datum: Dienstag, 5 März, 2002 um 22:51:09
Kommentar: As usual, a great web site.
A Red Ripper (VF-11) from the F4 Community (66-69)
Name: Dean B. Jones
Email: atx6@aol.com
Datum: Samstag, 2 März, 2002 um 15:22:59
Kommentar: Sirs: I have been out of the U.S.Navy for about ten years now. I began my first years in VF 31, during the transition from F4's to F14... Execiting times..! Your website, just brings back all the great times I had learning and growing with the mighty F14, Tomcat...! Love it...!
Name: Renato Camera Freitas de Oliveira
Email: renatocamera@yahoo.com.br
Datum: Freitag, 1 März, 2002 um 15:47:19
Kommentar: Simplesmente o melhor avião de caça feito nos EUA.Um dos mais bonitos e sonhado por pilotos militares do mundo todo.
Name: Marc
Email: v8packard@ameritech.net
Datum: Freitag, 1 März, 2002 um 02:12:11
Kommentar: Love your website! I have been a Tomcat fan since 1982 when I saw one up close at an airshow at the now closed Glenview NAS near Chicago. That F-14 was from VF-32 I believe. I think the F-14 is the greatest jet fighter ever to fly and this website one of the best I have seen, definitely the best Tomcat site! In regards to the limited edition signed prints I'd pay up to $100 for one.
Name: WHJ de Jong
Email: whjtomcat@hotmail.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 28 Februar, 2002 um 00:43:43
Kommentar: Your doing a great job.
My compliments.
Name: Andrew Cornog
Email: Acornog29@cs.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 27 Februar, 2002 um 23:38:35
Kommentar: Just wanted to say I think your site is A-1 and I look forward to your up dates.
Name: Oscar Garcia
Email: ogcamou@yahoo.com
Datum: Dienstag, 26 Februar, 2002 um 03:05:39
Kommentar: Well hello,
right now i am gonna join the navy, but i heard the F14 Tomcat is getting retiered and that made me very sad cause that was the plane i was gonna fly when i joined the navy i hope the navy changes their mind about retiring the f14 that would make me very happy and ive been practicing in fs98 so i know everything and hey nice pics.
Name: Carmel J Attard
Email: cjatta@eng.um.edu.mt
Datum: Freitag, 22 Februar, 2002 um 15:25:35
Kommentar: Excellent pictures of the F-14. If interested I can send you photos of the Tomcat which I took when US Carriers visited Valletta harbour ,Malta. Also do a lot od US aircraft models, these you can see if you go to www.airmodel.de and click on guestbook.
Best regards
Name: Cecil(Buddy)Catchings Ex-PR3
Email: bcatchings@earthlink.net
Datum: Mittwoch, 20 Februar, 2002 um 10:32:07
Kommentar: I was in VF142 Sqd.aboard the USS Ranger CVA 61.Gulf of Tonkin 1966, and at Miramar.Worked as a Parachute Rigger .I just got some VF142 patches from a place in Colorado.Like your site.Like to hear from any Old Parachute Riggers from my Sqd.
Name: Sphynx
Datum: Dienstag, 19 Februar, 2002 um 12:28:12
Kommentar: Und ich dachte, ich wüsste viel über die Tomcat...
Name: Sphynx
Datum: Dienstag, 19 Februar, 2002 um 12:28:06
Kommentar: Und ich dachte, ich wüsste viel über die Tomcat...
Name: Sallee Hull
Email: antique18@socket.net
Datum: Sonntag, 17 Februar, 2002 um 06:52:38
Kommentar: I was in VF-101 from 1981 to 1984. Due to a house fire in 1998, I lost all of my squadron patches and memorabilia. I was very happy to discover your website and all of the F-14 pics!
Name: Rainer Holte
Email: valorplus@t-online.de
Datum: Montag, 11 Februar, 2002 um 19:19:19
Kommentar: Its beautiful,
I think as the only german guy flying the aluminum cloud with the IIF at Khatami airbase I must admit it really was the most beautiful experience I ever had disturbing the Mig 25´s for the first time over Iran. I also miss my iranian chaps of whom every one where supposed to have at least 1000 hrs on F-4´s before we get them to TAFT.
Particularely i miss my buddy COL Tomadan(phonetic)-did khomeni killed him???-
Also "Yadi" "Nasir". Please contact me if you are belonged to the proud outfit at Khatami. Also the nice"Gummanites" like Paul Roinion and all. ( Remember when the Israelis pinched the Blueprints from the office in (oerdebehessht)?
God bless America
Rainer"Rhino" Holt
Name: art donato
Email: acdonato@aol.com
Datum: Sonntag, 10 Februar, 2002 um 08:37:06
Kommentar: involved with f-14 in flight development in calverton.
Name: Andrew Miller
Email: Millyer@aol.com
Datum: Montag, 4 Februar, 2002 um 14:54:28
Kommentar: The F-14 is the best plane ever made. When I graduate from high School I'm Going to become a F-14 pilot!!!
Name: Mr.X
Email: ATARIxMaste@aol.com
Datum: Sonntag, 3 Februar, 2002 um 01:56:53
Kommentar: We all love the Tomcat, and know that the F/A-18 Super Hornet will never take it's place. It's unfortunate that our Navy is so gun-ho about the new Hornet. Imagine if an Aegis cruiser missed an incoming missile? Well, the AIM-54 would have helped, but too bad. Semper Tomcat!
Name: Dr Fred Ajudua
Email: fredajua@nigeria.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 31 Januar, 2002 um 17:10:00
Kommentar: Ndi Igbo Keep Off!!!
Name: Dave S
Email: als&me@bordercity.com
Datum: Dienstag, 29 Januar, 2002 um 16:19:02
Kommentar: Nice site! Love yhe Jets F14's rule
I'm a tourest from Canada. thanks for having me. " I'll be back "
Name: Jesper Barkman
Email: fam.barkman@telia.com
Datum: Freitag, 25 Januar, 2002 um 20:25:26
Kommentar: I must say that Your Tomcat page is outstanding. I live in Sweden an I like to build plasticmodels, so I use a lot of Your pictures to collect information.
How can I pay You for a CD i a convinient way?
I was trying to get detailed picture from the cocpit and the ejectin seat.
Best wishes from Sweden
Name: Fritte910
Email: Fritte910@compuserve.de
Datum: Donnerstag, 24 Januar, 2002 um 20:49:54
Kommentar: Hy I`´m from Germany and I want to know if someone can sent me some pics of the American Air Carrier.
Many Thanks to these ones which can sent it to me.
Name: Don Gevers
Email: gevers@fidnet.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 23 Januar, 2002 um 15:23:14
Kommentar: You have about 5 inflight photos of German F-4's. If possible I would like to buy them if possible. Please let me know? Don
Name: Philipp Kiss
Email: PhilippKiss@aol.com
Datum: Montag, 21 Januar, 2002 um 11:39:03
Kommentar: I really love your Website, because I love the Tomcat. A very very good site. Because I am a modelle>
Übertragung unterbrochen
ats mostly.
Greetings from Germany
Name: Tomcat1
Email: f14tomcat102@hotmail.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 17 Januar, 2002 um 23:00:06
Kommentar: Hi
Im from swiss and a Tomcat-Fan. I think you have a great site, with very good infos.
Tomcat1 out
Name: Brian Marbrey
Email: jolly_roger103@yahoo.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 17 Januar, 2002 um 12:54:03
Kommentar: great website!if you are interested,i have plenty of photos of a vf-124 f-14 A that is at the museum i volunteer for.again great site,glad to see an "accurate" site on the tomcat.
Name: Rudy Preus
Email: stellarimages@shaw.ca
Datum: Donnerstag, 17 Januar, 2002 um 01:40:55
Kommentar: I am a retired Canadian Air Force pilot. My hobby is Stained Glass and my Three Dimensional Stained Glass Aircraft may be of interest to your guests. If anyone wishes to view my work, please visit me at http://members.shaw.ca/stellarimages
Name: Bob Smyth
Email: intruder1@att.net
Datum: Montag, 14 Januar, 2002 um 18:26:25
Kommentar: I have read the introductory note by Dale Snodgrass, probably the highest time pilot in the F-14, and wish to add my comments as, probably, the lowest time pilot of the F-14. However, I can claim recognition as the pilot who flew the first flights on the first two Tomcats and was the first out on the ejection from Number 1 on December 30th, 1970. I also worked for many years at Grumman with Dale's father, an elegant gentleman named Reuben Snodgrass. Until I left Grumman at the end of 1980, for Gulfstream Aerospace, I was principally involved with seeing the F-14 through its Flight Test Phase and into Production. We came up with many innovations to accelerate the program including an Automated Telemetry System, Integrated Test Blocks (in-flight) and the extensive use of Air Refuelling, to name a few.
It hardly seems possible that all of this took place over 25 years ago. And now the Tomcat is carrying a major portion of the burden over Afghanistan. With its long legs and two-man crew (girls too), it is far and away the best equipped airplane for that kind of mission. And in this age that kind of mission will probably predominate. Let us all hope the Navy will see fit to extend the service life of this valuable asset well into this century. Tomcats Forever! Bob Smyth.
Name: Anna Eisenbraun
Email: dleisenb@prairie.lakes.com
Datum: Sonntag, 13 Januar, 2002 um 23:28:31
Kommentar: I just love the Navy and I hope that I could be in the navy next year. I just love planes even F-14 Tomacats I just love looking at planes even in pictures.
Name: Ken "Heater" Patrick
Email: Heater23@aol.com
Datum: Sonntag, 13 Januar, 2002 um 05:11:03
Kommentar: I really enjoy your site and find great things on it. I am with a group of guys who "fly" full size cockpit simulator in Calif. We have 5 squadrons that use the real Navy squadron names. To view the site and see what we are all about go to www/flightlineusa.com and see us. I am forming a new squadaron now and we are still in the process of choosing our Navy counterparts, right how it looks like VF-143, if I can find the old patches for our bags, the new one is a tad bit ugly. Although we will be a VF squadron out a/c will be the F-18E from Jane's F-18 Sim, rather than the F-14. The reason is so that we can have the skin paint for the new squadron on our planes. The F-14 is defaulted to the VF-103 Jolly Rogers skins. Let me know if you enjoy our site. Also if you get to Orange County in California let me know and I will get you some stick time in our sims.
Name: Ludwig Isch
Email: i.ludwig@abix.ch
Datum: Freitag, 11 Januar, 2002 um 16:11:26
Kommentar: Hallo Thorsten
Du hast da ja eine absolute spitzen Page zusammengestellt. Ich möchte dir dazu recht herzlich gratulieren. Mach weiter so.
Viele Grüsse aus der Schweiz
Name: Mike Rogers Jr
Email: mike_8872@msn.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 10 Januar, 2002 um 04:41:40
Kommentar: Anyone here fly with my father? "BUCK" Rogers (vf-32,vf-101,vf-14,etz.) he was later the "airboss" on the Roosevelt? Just curious.
Name: Byron Merrill
Email: lisavf14@earthlink.net
Datum: Mittwoch, 9 Januar, 2002 um 21:00:02
Kommentar: I was going to give you more details about the crash of BuNo 159463, but I couldn't get your e-mail to work. If you e-mail me, I will reply. Thanks.
Name: Suzanne Scott, M. D.
Email: lobotango@earthlink.net
Datum: Mittwoch, 9 Januar, 2002 um 04:19:38
Kommentar: I truly like the new site; I moved six months ago. Thanks for all your help and congrsts.
Name: Jonathan Clinton
Email: skyfire001@hotmail.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 3 Januar, 2002 um 03:59:04
Kommentar: Excellent site. I may have some photographs from my tour with VF-143 that you may find interesting.
Name: Brian Robbins
Email: aerobbins@yahoo.com
Datum: Samstag, 29 Dezember, 2001 um 16:42:25
Kommentar: I am an AE2 currently in Fighter Squadron 32, an F-14B squadron. We are scheduled to be the last Tomcat squadron to be decomissioned in 2010.
Name: Richard Goldzung
Email: rgoldzung@triad.rr.com
Datum: Sonntag, 23 Dezember, 2001 um 21:53:25
Kommentar: Great web sight, my father worked at grumman for about 30 years as an electrical engineer, mostly at bethpage, LI. Its nice to see some of his work remembered.
Name: Joy Nace
Email: silverlady@hotmail.com
Datum: Samstag, 22 Dezember, 2001 um 07:18:04
Kommentar: very interesting site.
Name: Maik Gante
Email: maikgante@gmx.de
Datum: Freitag, 21 Dezember, 2001 um 15:38:25
Kommentar: Hallo Thorsten!
Ist schon witzig, wie viele Übereinstimmungen es bei uns gibt. Erstens bin ich auch ein F-14 Fan und bin stolzer Erbauer einer wunderschönen Tamiya F-14 im Massstab 1/32 die zu Beginn des nächsten Jahres ihren Platz in einer eigens dafür angefertigten Vitrine unterhalb eines "Top Gun" Kinoposters in meiner Bude in Aachen (wo ich nämlich an der FH Maschinenbau studiere) findet. Ich entschied mich für das Maschinenbaustudium, nachdem ich eine Ausbildung zum Fluggerätelektroniker abgebrochen habe, weil die Elektronik nicht ganz mein Ding ist. Nun rat mal, wo ich die Ausbildung gemacht habe?! Richtig, am Flugplatz Dinslaken bei Extra Flugzeugbau. :-) dabei habe ich natürlich auch ein bißchen mit an den Extra 400 gearbeitet. Nebenbei fliege ich aber dann noch Segelflugzeuge und Motorsegler in Attendorn im Sauerland...
Viele Grüße
Name: Bob Mulligan/VF142
Email: Acromagnon@att.net
Datum: Freitag, 21 Dezember, 2001 um 01:19:05
Kommentar: I Served In VF142 From 1976-1980 In The Corrosion Control Shop Then In AirFrames,Would Like Tohear From Any Squadron Mates
Name: Andrew Ward
Email: bmxcrazy@mail.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 20 Dezember, 2001 um 02:20:26
Kommentar: dude great site
Email: RMCCOLLUM@peoplepc.com
Datum: Sonntag, 16 Dezember, 2001 um 23:54:53
Kommentar: This is a very good site. I am trying to find a very large poster of the F14D TOMCAT firing. Please let me know if you can locate. I prefer at least a 3' x 5' poster!
Name: annonomus
Datum: Sonntag, 16 Dezember, 2001 um 04:02:37
Kommentar: Your site is great i loved the pics there the best and the info is great keep it up
Name: Annonomus
Datum: Sonntag, 16 Dezember, 2001 um 04:02:15
Kommentar: Your site is great i loved the pics there the best and the info is great keep it up
Name: Matt Halton
Email: planeplans@lineone.net
Datum: Freitag, 14 Dezember, 2001 um 23:52:48
Kommentar: Plans now available to build your very own,exact scale F-14A.Radio controlled ,electric ducted fan power,variable geometry.See my website:
Datum: Freitag, 14 Dezember, 2001 um 19:01:58
Name: Christer Hillborg
Email: christer.hillborg@swipnet.se
Datum: Donnerstag, 6 Dezember, 2001 um 18:47:30
Kommentar: hello iam Christer from Sweden Stockholm
I bulit this aircrafts in plastic modells that´s take lot of time to finshed the aircraft but bulit modells
Name: Ingo
Email: Degimail@gmx.de
Datum: Samstag, 1 Dezember, 2001 um 21:52:19
Kommentar: Sehr schöne Seite! Ein Glück, dass ich sie entdeckt habe. Eins meiner nächsten 'Projekte' ist eine F-14D der VF-213 (1/48). Sollte mich sehr wundern, wenn ich hier nicht nützliche Informationen finde...
Gruss Ingo
Name: Brandon Hancock
Email: OneWest.net
Datum: Samstag, 1 Dezember, 2001 um 05:19:44
Kommentar: F-14 Tomcat is the best fighter in the world. The tomcat
is better than the F-15 eagle and that retarted gay aircraft
like russian mig-29 fulcrum.
P.S Grumman Rules
Name: Mark J. Toral
Email: mark_toral@hotmail.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 29 November, 2001 um 19:39:34
Name: Jovic Ivan
Email: maverik@sezampro.yu
Datum: Mittwoch, 28 November, 2001 um 22:40:18
Name: Mr Malcolm Renville. Scotland. UK
Email: Andrew.Renville@tesco.net
Datum: Mittwoch, 28 November, 2001 um 05:22:19
Kommentar: trying to find words, after 11th sept, can only express my horror as to the many lives lost,and relatives the world over.
the above aside,could you please send clear 3d plans about F-14 tomcat, re scale radio control project.
many thanks.
Name: Iñaki Martinez
Email: mc.ruiz@euskalnet.net
Datum: Samstag, 24 November, 2001 um 12:38:35
Kommentar: Superb site for F-14 lovers.Nice work,keep on doing.If you need some help,just ask for it.
Name: Iñaki Martinez
Email: mc.ruiz@euskalnet.net
Datum: Samstag, 24 November, 2001 um 12:24:49
Kommentar: Superb site for F-14 lovers.Nice work,keep on doing.If you need some help,just ask for it.
Email: juriq2000@yahoo.com
Datum: Samstag, 24 November, 2001 um 08:33:49
Kommentar: nice contents
Name: Juan Fernando Larios
Email: jlarios79@hotmail.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 22 November, 2001 um 04:51:18
Kommentar: the best site i ever seen
Name: Mila
Email: lexa@reichhold.cz
Datum: Dienstag, 20 November, 2001 um 16:21:53
Kommentar: It is the best source of info I have found. Thanks.
Name: Nathan Williams
Email: lexingtongr@hotmail.com
Datum: Sonntag, 18 November, 2001 um 19:39:47
Kommentar: Dear Sir,
I am a modeler, and I have many books, and even a 3-D image of the Tomcat. However, your 3-D cutaway shows even more detail. I can view it on-screen; however, when I try to print it, I cannot get the entire image to print - I get as far as the back wheel. With your permission, I would like to either be able to print this or receive a copy of the entire picture from you. This is for personal use, not for any sort of distribution.
Thank you for your consideration,
Nathan Williams
Name: Barry Bozic
Email: barry.bozic@reuters.com
Datum: Samstag, 17 November, 2001 um 23:43:06
Kommentar: Good Site and wish you luck with its growth. Grumman did it well. The F-14 was built for and by the Best this country has to offer. The saddest day was the day that Newsday pictured the last production F-14 flying over Long Island. Leroy Grumman, may you rest in peace. It was an honor to work for your company. Tomcats rule !
Name: Goose
Email: Rockingirl@ix.netcom.com
Datum: Freitag, 16 November, 2001 um 20:02:25
Kommentar: Hi,
Love the website no doubt. I've been wondering how did I become a pilot or start training. Oh and I'm 13 years old.
Later Goose
Datum: Freitag, 16 November, 2001 um 11:33:01
Name: a
Datum: Mittwoch, 14 November, 2001 um 16:39:54
Kommentar: ¾È³çÇϼ¼¿ä(hi)
Àú´Â Çѱ¹¿¡ »ç´Â »ç¶÷ÀÔ´Ï´Ù
(I am from korea)
Àú´Â ¿µ¾î¸¦ ¸øÇÕ´Ï´Ù...¤Ñ.¤Ì
(I don't speake english)
Á¤¸» ÁÁÀº »çÀÌÆ®ÀÔ´Ï´ç^^
(This site good^^)
(Thank you^^;)
Name: Kim younggook
Datum: Mittwoch, 14 November, 2001 um 16:39:45
Kommentar: ¾È³çÇϼ¼¿ä(hi)
Àú´Â Çѱ¹¿¡ »ç´Â »ç¶÷ÀÔ´Ï´Ù
(I am from korea)
Àú´Â ¿µ¾î¸¦ ¸øÇÕ´Ï´Ù...¤Ñ.¤Ì
(I don't speake english)
Á¤¸» ÁÁÀº »çÀÌÆ®ÀÔ´Ï´ç^^
(This site good^^)
(Thank you^^;)
Name: Kim young gook
Datum: Mittwoch, 14 November, 2001 um 16:39:40
Kommentar: ¾È³çÇϼ¼¿ä(hi)
Àú´Â Çѱ¹¿¡ »ç´Â »ç¶÷ÀÔ´Ï´Ù
(I am from korea)
Àú´Â ¿µ¾î¸¦ ¸øÇÕ´Ï´Ù...¤Ñ.¤Ì
(I don't speake english)
Á¤¸» ÁÁÀº »çÀÌÆ®ÀÔ´Ï´ç^^
(This site good^^)
(Thank you^^;)
Name: Kim young-gook
Datum: Mittwoch, 14 November, 2001 um 16:39:18
Kommentar: ¾È³çÇϼ¼¿ä(hi)
Àú´Â Çѱ¹¿¡ »ç´Â »ç¶÷ÀÔ´Ï´Ù
(I am from korea)
Àú´Â ¿µ¾î¸¦ ¸øÇÕ´Ï´Ù...¤Ñ.¤Ì
(I don't speake english)
Á¤¸» ÁÁÀº »çÀÌÆ®ÀÔ´Ï´ç^^
(This site good^^)
(Thank you^^;)
Name: ±è¿µ±¹
Datum: Mittwoch, 14 November, 2001 um 16:38:49
Kommentar: (hi)
(I am from korea)
(I don't speake english)
(This site good^^)
(Thank you^^;)
Name: ±è¿µ±¹
Datum: Mittwoch, 14 November, 2001 um 16:38:21
Kommentar: ¾È³çÇϼ¼¿ä(hi)
Àú´Â Çѱ¹¿¡ »ç´Â »ç¶÷ÀÔ´Ï´Ù
(I am from korea)
Àú´Â ¿µ¾î¸¦ ¸øÇÕ´Ï´Ù...¤Ñ.¤Ì
(I don't speake english)
Á¤¸» ÁÁÀº »çÀÌÆ®ÀÔ´Ï´ç^^
(This site good^^)
(Thank you^^;)
Name: ±è¿µ±¹
Datum: Mittwoch, 14 November, 2001 um 16:37:40
Kommentar: ¾È³çÇϼ¼¿ä(hi)
Àú´Â Çѱ¹¿¡ »ç´Â »ç¶÷ÀÔ´Ï´Ù
(I am from korea)
Àú´Â ¿µ¾î¸¦ ¸øÇÕ´Ï´Ù...¤Ñ.¤Ì
(I don't speake english)
Á¤¸» ÁÁÀº »çÀÌÆ®ÀÔ´Ï´ç^^
(This site good^^)
(Thank you^^;)
Name: ±è¿µ±¹
Datum: Mittwoch, 14 November, 2001 um 16:37:10
Kommentar: ¾È³çÇϼ¼¿ä(hi)
Àú´Â Çѱ¹¿¡ »ç´Â »ç¶÷ÀÔ´Ï´Ù
(I am from korea)
Àú´Â ¿µ¾î¸¦ ¸øÇÕ´Ï´Ù...¤Ñ.¤Ì
(I don't speake english)
Á¤¸» ÁÁÀº »çÀÌÆ®ÀÔ´Ï´ç^^
(This site good^^)
(Thank you^^;)
Name: Julian Data
Email: jdata@gremlan.org
Datum: Montag, 12 November, 2001 um 11:27:40
Kommentar: I have been visiting your site for the past several months. Please continue updating as the "Turkey" is on it's last legs. :(
Name: Talon
Datum: Freitag, 9 November, 2001 um 18:58:17
Kommentar: Niiiiicee page!!!
Name: Peter Esser
Email: AWACY003@aol.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 8 November, 2001 um 20:25:58
Kommentar: Grüße aus Geilenkirchen! Weiß nicht, ob wir uns schon mal über dem Weg gelaufen sind. Bin auch ein (mehr former) Brüggen und Wildenrath Spotter. Nach langer Suche fand ich eine Seite über dieses wunderschöne Flugzeug und mit Überraschung mußte ich feststellen, daß diese Seite nicht in den Staaten programmiert wurde, sondern in Aachen. Komme selber aus Anrath, bei Viersen und fliege momentan bei der dritten Staffel in Geilenkirchen. SUPER F-14 Seite
Name: Harry Lieberman
Email: hplieb@yahoo.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 8 November, 2001 um 11:32:52
Kommentar: cool website! Buno 159022 was a VF-32 aiecraft when it had a midair in December of 1979. May Lt. Chiasson (pilot) and LCDR Lorchter (NFO, not sure of name spelling) Rest In Peace.
Name: Malcolm Dickson
Email: porgy1@home.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 7 November, 2001 um 07:50:21
Kommentar: I was an AQ2 (Aviation Fire Control Technician, Second Class) when I was honorably discharged from the Navy. VF-51 was my "Home" during my 4 years in the Navy, save for the 9 months of "A School" in Memphis. I made the first 2 cruises with the "Screaming Eagles" after they switched to the F-14A.
Upon my discharge, I was hired by Grumman Aerospace as a "Technical Representative" working on the radar of the F-14. I was working with both VF-51 and VF-111 as a civilian. We did the "TCS" modification on all the F-14A's, as well as some ALQ 163 mods. I was basically doing the same job, except I was making much more money and had much better living conditions on the carrier. I made 2 more cruises with VF-51 on the Carl Vinson prior to taking a job at General Dynamics.
I enjoyed my time at VF-51 immensely. I had no idea the squadron had been de-commissioned. What a shame. I'd love to get a squadron patch, a squadron hat, and a squadron shirt. If anyone knows where I could acquire these items, please e-mail me at porgy1@home.com
Name: Mark
Email: hikaru_anthony@macrosscity.com
Datum: Montag, 5 November, 2001 um 15:00:15
Kommentar: his is the best site for such a great plane
Name: hossein ali khosravi
Email: hakhosravi@yahoo.com
Datum: Sonntag, 4 November, 2001 um 09:36:18
Kommentar: I need information about Towed Target
is any person to help me?
thank you.
hossein ali khosravi (Tehran-Iran)
Name: Ron Richards, AMS1 (AW) Ret.
Email: RJRichards@Hotmail.com
Datum: Sonntag, 28 Oktober, 2001 um 23:24:55
Kommentar: Glad to see that the site is still active and thriving. looks like you have gotten a lot of pictures since my last visit. keep up the good work. VF31 Tomcatter, 81-84
Never forget the "Double Barreled, SwingWing, Whistling (Trash)Can"
Email: dmluschen@earthlink.net
Datum: Freitag, 26 Oktober, 2001 um 20:04:03
Kommentar: VF-51 Print Please. Also VF-124.
Name: Michael
Email: micjensen@mobilixnet.dk
Datum: Mittwoch, 24 Oktober, 2001 um 17:27:23
Kommentar: Why haven´t I found this site before? It´s just perfect.
M Jensen
Name: Tina
Email: Leskarser@yahoo.com
Datum: Dienstag, 23 Oktober, 2001 um 21:26:09
Kommentar: Hallo Torsten,
Deine Page ist wirklich der helle Wahnsinn. Ich habe noch nie so viele Informationen so sauber zusammengefasst gesehen. Auf diese Seite kannst Du mit Recht stolz sein. Wie lange hast Du gebraucht um all das zu sammeln und in diese Form zu bringen?
Wird es vielleicht auch irgendwann eine deutsche Version geben?
Das wäre nämlich gar nicht so schlecht, weil alles verstehe ich leider nicht. Mit 12 habe ich das erste Mal eine Tomcat gesehen und bin seit dem einfach nur fasziniert davon.
Viele Grüße aus dem bergischen Land
Name: Aaron Williams
Email: adw2000@tasmail.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 17 Oktober, 2001 um 02:54:50
Kommentar: From what I have seen on this website it is very very good.
Name: Jason TOMCAT FAN
Email: shenene@xtra.co.nz
Datum: Sonntag, 14 Oktober, 2001 um 12:05:34
Kommentar: Hi this is Jason from New Zealand again.
I was wandering if you were aware of the TOMCAT kill's in late December of 1999.
It involved two F14D's from vf 213 shooting AIM 54C's at two Iraqi jets mig 21's or 25's, one of the Iraqi jets crashed because of fuel starvation due to damage caused by one of the AIM54's, the other I belive made it back to base but was too badly damaged to be repaired.
I haven't heard much else about the incident because some people are unsure if the TOMCATS can claim the kills, as far as I am concerned, if one jet fires a missile at another jet, and the target jet crashes due to damage caused by the weapons of the fireing jet than that should be regaurded as a kill.
I f you have anymore info about this, or if I have got anything wrong please let me know.
In the mean time, I would like to find a way to have the kill and the damage of the Iraqi jet officially reconised and awarded to the crews and in general to the F14D before the big cat is retired.
Thanx Jason TOMCAT FAN.
Name: Rainman
Email: maverick-a-strike@hotmail.com
Datum: Dienstag, 9 Oktober, 2001 um 01:06:20
Kommentar: Hey Torsten , just found your site , been a big fan of the Tomcat for years and your site does it justice , keep up the good work ;)
Name: Alexander
Email: Topplast@yubc.net
Datum: Freitag, 5 Oktober, 2001 um 18:35:52
Kommentar: Your site is the best site of airplanes that i have seen on internet.I hope you will soon have more intersting pictures.i will write again.
Greetings from Yugoslavia
Name: Alexander
Email: Topplast@yubc.net
Datum: Freitag, 5 Oktober, 2001 um 18:35:34
Kommentar: Your site is the best site of airplanes that i have seen on internet.I hope you will soon have more intersting pictures.i will write again.
Greetings from Yugoslavia
Name: tcfixer
Email: tcfixer@netzero.net
Datum: Donnerstag, 4 Oktober, 2001 um 16:11:58
Kommentar: Excellent WEB page. I've been with the F14 since 1972 and I still love the fighter. You have more pictures than I do good luck.
Name: tcfixer
Email: tcfixer@netzero.net
Datum: Donnerstag, 4 Oktober, 2001 um 16:11:50
Kommentar: Excellent WEB page. I've been with the F14 since 1972 and I still love the fighter. You have more pictures than I do good luck.
Name: tcfixer
Email: tcfixer@netzero.net
Datum: Donnerstag, 4 Oktober, 2001 um 16:11:48
Kommentar: Excellent WEB page. I've been with the F14 since 1972 and I still love the fighter. You have more pictures than I do good luck.
Name: Robert Steele
Email: hawk90943@aol.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 4 Oktober, 2001 um 01:55:12
Kommentar: I was Chief Engineer of the Tomcat in 1970.
Name: Norman Heath
Email: heathno@west.net
Datum: Mittwoch, 3 Oktober, 2001 um 03:50:10
Kommentar: First got involved with the F-14 when assigned as an instructor at the NAMTD @ Miramar in `73. Was hired by Grumman in`77 as an E-2 Field Rep and am still a doing that with the E-2 Wing @ NAS Pt. Mugu. The "boat" time is a little harder now that I'm over 60 but I still enjoy working with the"kids" in the Navy and with the other old time "Grummies" who still have that sense of commitment to the programs we support.
Name: Bob Smyth
Email: intruder1@att.net
Datum: Dienstag, 2 Oktober, 2001 um 17:24:41
Kommentar: Congratulations! Nice web site. If I can be of any assistance, please let me know. I made the F-14 first flight; also the A2F (A6A) first flight. Best of luck, Bob Smyth.
Name: Rhedd Viray
Email: rhedd@edsamail.com.ph
Datum: Dienstag, 2 Oktober, 2001 um 12:02:43
Kommentar: Great Site, now i can detail my F14 kits ...
more power to the site...
Name: Maverick
Email: bigmirko@orangeworld.ch
Datum: Samstag, 29 September, 2001 um 11:59:43
Kommentar: Hi Torsten
Your website is very, very good.
I'm a very big Tomcat fan, there-
fore I always search websites of the F-14. One day, I found your website. I was immediately enraptured by your website. Thank you very much for this work.
You are German, isn't it? So, why you don't make a German version of this work?
Name: Maverick
Email: bigmirko@orangeworld.ch
Datum: Samstag, 29 September, 2001 um 11:56:50
Kommentar: Hi Torsten
Your website is very, very good.
I'm a very big Tomcat fan, there-
fore I always search websites of the F-14. One day, I found your website. I was immediately enraptured by your website. Thank you very much for this work.
You are German, isn't it? So, why you don't make a German version of this work?
Email: tsamlall@aol.com
Datum: Freitag, 28 September, 2001 um 11:56:32
Kommentar: Hello, thank you for such a well thought out website. It truly is the best of its kind. One thing,aren't there any airshow videos about the f--14? Thanks.
Name: Jeremy
Email: chevellenut27@aol.com
Datum: Dienstag, 25 September, 2001 um 23:02:45
Kommentar: I am going to be a F-14 pilot after I ship out for boot camp in Janurary and get my Bachelors in Advanced Aeronautical electronics, and I must say, that this has got to be the best website for the F-14 I have ever seen thank you for the time and effort.
Name: Colin Campbell
Email: colin.campbell@pirelli.com
Datum: Freitag, 21 September, 2001 um 10:22:50
Kommentar: These aircraft are very rare in the UK and come only second to the F3 tornado in my opinion, so it's good to see an informative and well presented web site. Keep up the good work.
Name: darrell prestridge
Email: none
Datum: Freitag, 21 September, 2001 um 01:03:40
Kommentar: i wish i'd taken photos of the early prototype f-14s at point
Name: darrell prestridge
Email: none
Datum: Freitag, 21 September, 2001 um 01:02:52
Kommentar: i wish i'd taken photos of the early prototype f-14s at point
Name: Bill Coleman, AD3
Datum: Donnerstag, 20 September, 2001 um 21:16:53
Kommentar: VF-11 77-80, P/P T/S 1979-80.
Name: Marc Dent
Email: marchino_dj@hotmail.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 19 September, 2001 um 09:20:26
Kommentar: Well..... I love to admit that this is a great web site, very clever and built in an elegant way... brilliant!!! Marc
Name: mike meister
Email: meistermike@hotmail.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 19 September, 2001 um 04:14:02
Kommentar: Best site I've seen for the true Tomcat fan!!!!!
Name: William
Email: Waihin_Leong@Hotmail.com
Datum: Freitag, 7 September, 2001 um 07:53:19
Kommentar: I had go through all your photoes
They give me alot ideas for my air craft model. Thanks
Name: pavan kallurkar
Email: astro_pavan@rediff.com
Datum: Samstag, 1 September, 2001 um 05:39:01
Kommentar: sir i am an student of mechanical engineering in india.i have always wanted to join us air force.is it possible.if yes please send in the requirements.i an 20 years old.thankyou
Name: Diego Llorens
Email: Ice_Man_d@hotmail.com
Datum: Sonntag, 26 August, 2001 um 21:57:34
Kommentar: Well I want to congratulate you for this excelent recopillation of information about the F-14 Tomcat.
Many years i had looked for a site of this kind, but I never founded one.
Now your site is in my favorite list.
If you can answer this message please I want to know how I can buy the F-14's Cd and how can you send it to me(I leave in argentine so I'm far away from you)
Good luck
Name: LCDR Nick Kavouklis
Email: hiflyntx@airmail.net
Datum: Mittwoch, 22 August, 2001 um 06:37:45
Kommentar: You have a nice web page. I spent 12 years flying Tomcats on active and reserve duty.
Twice went to Beth Page and picked up brand new block 105 aircaraft in 1979/80.
Stay in touch. Zorba
Email: mirage2000 .rafale@caramail.com
Datum: Freitag, 17 August, 2001 um 18:17:37
Kommentar: fgxgbnx er szq sd
Name: Christopher V. Hunt
Email: huntcvhunt@aol.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 16 August, 2001 um 05:22:03
Kommentar: Torsten, I to have great admiration
for the F-14. The reason for this is that I grew up on Long Island, not far from Bethpage and my grand father helped build the F-14 during
the early 1970's. Ever since it's
been my favorite.
Name: James Tiedeman
Email: f14nut@hotmail.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 15 August, 2001 um 17:35:49
Kommentar: Great Site!!
Datum: Mittwoch, 15 August, 2001 um 03:59:18
Name: Fireblade
Email: Fireblade@death-star.com
Datum: Montag, 13 August, 2001 um 13:14:59
Kommentar: Congratulations! I think that you made the best F-14 site on the web! Really nice work!
But I miss one thing.. i wanna see a Tomcat in real life :)
[If you are interested in military aircraft like me, you can contact me via ICQ. My UIN is 100848135]
Name: Viola
Datum: Mittwoch, 8 August, 2001 um 22:53:29
Kommentar: Lieber Mats,
herzlichen Glückwunsch zu den 100 TSD. Weiter so!
:-} Deine Vio
Name: Diego Codagnone
Email: diegocodagnone@bol.com.br
Datum: Montag, 6 August, 2001 um 02:26:38
Kommentar: If you want to know the biggest fan of F-14 of all world it's me!!!
This HP is fantastic.
Name: Howard Darter
Email: hldarte@pacbell.net
Datum: Samstag, 4 August, 2001 um 04:16:20
Kommentar: Great site, would like to see a few Marine Corps pictures.
H. Darter MAD VF124 74-75
Name: Nick
Email: shobo85@aol.com
Datum: Dienstag, 31 Juli, 2001 um 22:54:28
Kommentar: how many people can say this..... I actually live roughly 1/3 or 1/2 miles from where the F-14 crashed on December 30th, 1970
Name: trix
Email: tc@d-tech.de
Datum: Freitag, 27 Juli, 2001 um 13:15:09
Kommentar: excellent site! the best ive seen about f-14s or any aircraft. do you have more detailed technical drawings of the tomcat?
Name: jason
Datum: Montag, 23 Juli, 2001 um 21:17:04
Kommentar: I like how it has tons of info on all the squads. especialy the vf-103s(go jolly rogers).
Name: Guillaume
Email: gd18@infonie.fr
Datum: Samstag, 21 Juli, 2001 um 22:35:26
Name: Michael A. Woessner
Email: Chopper1@mediaone.net
Datum: Donnerstag, 19 Juli, 2001 um 04:14:44
Kommentar: Was a member of VF - 191 and VF - 111.
1984 - 1990.
Name: OSC(AW) John Carey, USN
Email: VBPSDIVER@netscape.net
Datum: Dienstag, 17 Juli, 2001 um 18:43:59
Kommentar: Outstanding site. The AMRAAM is in
use by the USAF and the USN/USMC
Name: Joseph Cuevas
Email: josephcuevas@hotmail.com
Datum: Samstag, 14 Juli, 2001 um 04:50:38
Kommentar: I recently remembered that the F-14 Tomcat was the model for the aircraft used in a Japanese animation series (Macross/Robotech). If you would like to check it out, please go to Macross Site or any other related sites.
Name: Joseph Cuevas
Email: josephcuevas@hotmail.com
Datum: Samstag, 14 Juli, 2001 um 04:50:28
Kommentar: I recently remembered that the F-14 Tomcat was the model for the aircraft used in a Japanese animation series (Macross/Robotech). If you would like to check it out, please go to Macross Site or any other related sites.
Email: fencer_se@yahoo.com
Datum: Samstag, 14 Juli, 2001 um 00:58:56
Kommentar: What a cool site,well done boys!
this is the second time that i sign this guest book,and for the second time ,I whish to see more details about iranian tomcats..hopping so.
Name: Chad Redding
Email: credding@bossig.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 12 Juli, 2001 um 03:21:41
Kommentar: I am really impressed with your updates.....The forward by Capt Snodgrass was first rate. Keep up with the good work.
Name: Penny Thomas
Email: twothomas@earthlink.net
Datum: Donnerstag, 12 Juli, 2001 um 01:43:01
Kommentar: Torsten, It has been a while since I had time to come back to your web site. As always, it's a pleasure to see my favorite airplane, that you present so well! Many thanks for your efforts from your good friend in Texas.
Name: Chen Guanliang
Email: cguanliang@yahoo.com
Datum: Dienstag, 10 Juli, 2001 um 20:38:34
Kommentar: its is the besT F14 webpage i like..... wonder if u all are pilots?
Name: CAPT Jim Mehrmann USN (Ret)
Email: jmpappy@swbell.net
Datum: Samstag, 7 Juli, 2001 um 17:54:41
Kommentar: Outside of NATOPS and secured USN sites this is a most remarkably thorough and informative site. I have enjoyed the trip down memory lane, and congradulations on your site. As aformer aviator I belive the F-14 Tomcat is the best performing aircraft the US to date has designed to perform the myriad of missions it now performs - fleet air defense/intercept superiority to reconniaisance and CAS air-to-ground stike support. As Snort would say it can do it all with a lean & mean grace all its own. I enjoyed being a part of the community, as well as the F-4 community. I flew as an NFO/RIO, later transitioning to multiple engine aircraft as a navigator and TACO when medical reasons forced me to leave the fighter community. Congradulations on a great site. "Tuss" "Pappy" Mehrmann
Name: Prama as
Email: tomcat_74_1999@yahoo.com
Datum: Freitag, 6 Juli, 2001 um 06:11:18
Kommentar: woooow keren,
gambar keren dari tomcat,
I look your pic everyday
Name: Darrell Morgan
Email: cv_62@hotmail.com
Datum: Samstag, 30 Juni, 2001 um 17:51:04
Kommentar: I am looking for any onformation on air wings that were stationed off of USS Independence CVA/CV 62 for a history link on my website for INDY thanks for any info you might have my site is http://www.independence_cv62.homestead.com/ come check it out thanks again Darrell Morgan MM3 USS Independence CVA/CV-62 1970-1974
Name: Joseph R. Cuevas
Email: josephcuevas@hotmail.com
Datum: Dienstag, 26 Juni, 2001 um 05:30:46
Kommentar: I have been a long admirer of the F-14 Tomcat since the day I learned about it when I was a kid.What fascinated me was the variable-geometry wings it has. The Tomcat is clearly the best fighter the USN ever had and I was personally disappointed with the pro-F/A-18 decision which jeopardized the future of this wonderful aircraft. I agree with your views regarding the differences between the Tomcat and the Hornet especially regarding those of range and air-to-air capabilities. I hope that one day in the near future the Tomcat, esp. the SuperTomcat will be chosen as the air-superiority fighter of the Navy. More power to you and to all the people who appreciated the F-14 Tomcat.
Name: Fonz
Datum: Dienstag, 26 Juni, 2001 um 04:57:23
Kommentar: i'd rate it a 5-10
Name: Micah Moore
Email: bmoore220@Juno.com
Datum: Montag, 25 Juni, 2001 um 22:59:07
Kommentar: I really like this website because I can get all the info I need.
Name: MIcah Moore
Email: bmoore220@Juno.com
Datum: Montag, 25 Juni, 2001 um 22:58:39
Kommentar: I really like this website because I can get all the info I need.
Name: Ronny
Email: hatch@freenet.de
Datum: Sonntag, 24 Juni, 2001 um 11:33:10
Kommentar: Hallo Torsten! Danke für den Link-ehrt mich!
Die Bilder sind in Arbeit. Such schon seit Tagen die Negative. Ich bleib dran.
Hals-und Beinbruch
Name: Steve
Datum: Mittwoch, 20 Juni, 2001 um 05:52:32
Kommentar: cool page
Name: Marv Brennessel
Email: f14trep@yahoo.com
Datum: Dienstag, 19 Juni, 2001 um 13:43:32
Kommentar: I enjoyed walking thru Grumman History
Name: Ronny Scheer
Email: hatch@freenet.de
Datum: Freitag, 15 Juni, 2001 um 21:15:45
Kommentar: Hallo Torsten!
Sehr,sehr schöne HP! Bin echt begeistert. Noch ein Tomcat-Fan!
Für F-14 Bilder kannst du ja mal bei mir vorbei schauen www.prop-gun.de. Bin bis an mein Lebensende in der Luftwaffe am Transall-fliegen. Wenn Du Infos brauchst, mail einfach.Würde mich über nen Link freuen. Hals-und Beinbruch.
Name: Ronny Scheer
Email: hatch@freenet.de
Datum: Freitag, 15 Juni, 2001 um 21:15:36
Kommentar: Hallo Torsten!
Sehr,sehr schöne HP! Bin echt begeistert. Noch ein Tomcat-Fan!
Für F-14 Bilder kannst du ja mal bei mir vorbei schauen www.prop-gun.de. Bin bis an mein Lebensende in der Luftwaffe am Transall-fliegen. Wenn Du Infos brauchst, mail einfach.Würde mich über nen Link freuen. Hals-und Beinbruch.
Name: Arthur
Email: acurnick@netcon.net.au
Datum: Freitag, 15 Juni, 2001 um 05:54:30
Kommentar: This has to be the best site I have seen, particularly the wealth of detail photos. As a dedicated aircraft modeller, I have been searching for a research site like this for a long time. All the required facts and details are in one area and clearly laid out. Truly is a gold mine of information.
Name: Andrea
Email: angelfire3799@yahoo.com
Datum: Montag, 11 Juni, 2001 um 19:14:26
Kommentar: I love your site. I've been interested in the Tomcat for uite some time, and your site helped me find some good pictures. I think that this is the best site I've visited. I've also been interested in aviation for a few years. It's been fun!
Name: Chris
Email: cappoldt@wmsgaming.com
Datum: Dienstag, 5 Juni, 2001 um 22:39:28
Kommentar: Very, very cool website. My dad was an engineer on the Tomcat project in the 1970s...my love of aviation started with memoribilia he brought home. Kudos.
Name: Richard Sovis
Email: hm2marinero@yahoo.com
Datum: Dienstag, 5 Juni, 2001 um 17:20:33
Kommentar: Great site, I have a few photos of the F-14 from when I served in the US Navy and on the USS Enterprise and at NAS Miramar, home of Top Gun.
Name: Kurt Goette
Email: KurtGett@aol.com
Datum: Samstag, 2 Juni, 2001 um 03:28:03
Kommentar: I am presently an engineer at Northrop Grumman. I used to work in the EB weld area where we made the box beam/cntr section for the F14. Do you have any stickers of the f-14 tomcat.. the ones that show the cat with the two tails and says "anytime baby" Let me know I can send you some. Did you know that one of the key mfg engineers/weld supervisors on the titanium WCS of the f-14 at Grumman was guy named Dietrich Helms... he was an officer for the German navy on a U boat during WW2. I will search for old photos and send them your way. Great site. There is still much pride within the grummanites at northrop grumman for f-14. the super tomcat was awesome!.... Kurt
Name: Mike Morris
Email: jericho@ga.prestige.net
Datum: Montag, 28 Mai, 2001 um 06:29:35
Kommentar: I was a member of VF194 from 75-78 on board the Oriskany. How can I contact other members from that time period? Thanks
Name: Nick Lauvrys
Email: nicklauvrys@hotmail.com
Datum: Sonntag, 27 Mai, 2001 um 22:28:38
Kommentar: Very nice site. Keep up the good work. I've also downloades lots of tomcat pictures, so if you're interested in receiving some, just let me know. Do you know where I can find an overview of tomcat badges?
Name: jairaj Shetty
Email: jairajshetty@hotmail.com
Datum: Sonntag, 27 Mai, 2001 um 12:03:39
Kommentar: Excellent & thouroughly informative site!!
Keep it up
I have visited it thrice.Thanx a million for sharing information on F14
Name: Rick Slemmer
Email: rslemme1@san.rr.com
Datum: Samstag, 26 Mai, 2001 um 02:26:58
Kommentar: VMAQ-2 ECM Tech (1976-1979); Grumman EA-6B techrep for VAQ-131 (1979-1983); Grumman EF-111A techrep for 42 ECS (1983-1992); Grumman AIMD techrep (1992-1995)
Name: Jason (TOMCAT FAN)
Email: shenene@xtra.co.nz
Datum: Freitag, 25 Mai, 2001 um 12:40:47
Kommentar: I have seen this site before, but I only recently had a good look at it and I am glad I did, I have been a die hard TOMCAT FAN for as long as I can remember, until I saw this site I thought I thought I knew everything there was to know about this most awesome of fighters, but now I realy do.
Thanx for an awesome site, one question, dose anyone out there know what the two rectangular holes are on the CAT, they are under the gun fairing and are spaced one behind the other?
thanx Jason TOMCAT FAN
Name: Jason (TOMCAT FAN)
Email: shenene@xtra.co.nz
Datum: Freitag, 25 Mai, 2001 um 12:30:26
Kommentar: I have seen this site before, but I only recently had a good look at it and I am glad I did, I have been a die hard TOMCAT FAN for as long as I can remember, until I saw this site I thought I thought I knew everything there was to know about this most awesome of fighters, but now I realy do.
Thanx for an awesome site, one question, dose anyone out there know what the two rectangular holes are on the CAT, they are under the gun fairing and are spaced one behind the other?
thanx Jason TOMCAT FAN
Name: Jason (TOMCAT FAN)
Email: shenene@xtra.co.nz
Datum: Freitag, 25 Mai, 2001 um 12:29:45
Kommentar: I have seen this site before, but I only recently had a good look at it and I am glad I did, I have been a die hard TOMCAT FAN for as long as I can remember, until I saw this site I thought I thought I knew everything there was to know about this most awesome of fighters, but now I realy do.
Thanx for an awesome site, one question, dose anyone out there know what the two rectangular holes are on the CAT, they are under the gun fairing and are spaced one behind the other?
thanx Jason TOMCAT FAN
Name: Paul P.
Email: paul@paul-p.net
Datum: Montag, 21 Mai, 2001 um 12:49:25
Kommentar: Great site with an incredible lots of information!
Name: Tom
Email: -
Datum: Mittwoch, 16 Mai, 2001 um 23:04:25
Kommentar: Wonderful site! The best that I have ever seen!
Name: Karesz
Email: karesz11@freemail.hu
Datum: Donnerstag, 10 Mai, 2001 um 12:00:17
Kommentar: This is the best Tomcat site I've ever seen!
Name: Roy Hockett
Email: rhock68177@aol.com
Datum: Samstag, 5 Mai, 2001 um 07:22:58
Kommentar: Nice web site.
Name: George Rowe
Email: GRowebt@aol.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 2 Mai, 2001 um 23:23:56
Kommentar: need any more pictures of the F-14 on the back of my RV, it's a converstation piece
Name: Suzanne Scott, M.D.
Email: lobotango@earthlink.net
Datum: Mittwoch, 2 Mai, 2001 um 18:49:35
Kommentar: Tosten, just visiting the new site. I like it. Will keep you posted on the Lost Pilot.
Name: William Barto
Email: gunfighter134@cs.com
Datum: Samstag, 28 April, 2001 um 02:00:14
Kommentar: Torsten,
Good luck with your new URL. Don't forget to check out the Grumman Memorial Park web site for the section on the Blue Angels.
Have a good weekend and enjoy the F-1 on Sunday.
Name: Torsten Anft
Email: torsten.anft@bigfoot.de
Datum: Freitag, 27 April, 2001 um 21:49:47
Kommentar: First entry in the new guestbook!