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F-14 Losses 1970 - 1999

The following graphic shows the number of F-14 losses in the period from 1970 to 1999. The graphic is as complete as possible. All in all some 141 F-14 losses are known to me (also listed one by one on the BuNo pages).

Another listing shows the aircraft losses per squadron since 1970. This does not mean that some squadrons are less save to fly with than others since the reason for the losses are multiple!
VF-1 VF-2 VF-11 VF-14
VF-21 VF-24 VF-31 VF-32
VF-33 VF-41 VF-51 VF-74
VF-84 VF-101 VF-102 VF-103
VF-111 VF-114 VF-124 VF-142
VF-143 VF-154 VF-191 VF-194
VF-201 VF-202 VF-211 VF-213
VF-301 VF-302 Others *

* "Others" include Grumman prototypes and those F-14s where the squadron/unit is not known so far.

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F-14 Bureau Numbers:
157980 - 157991 | 158612 - 158619 | 158620 - 158637 | 158978 - 159006 | 159007 - 159025
159421 - 159429 | 159430 - 159468 | 159588 - 159637 | 159825 - 159874 | 160299 - 160328
160329 - 160378 | 160379 - 160414 | 160652 - 160696 | 160887 - 160930 | 161133 - 161168
161270 - 161299 | 161416 - 161445 | 161597 - 161626 | 161850 - 161873 | 162588 - 162611
162688 - 162711 | 162910 - 162927 | 163215 - 163228 | 163407 - 163411 | 163412 - 163418
163893 - 163904 | 164340 - 164351 | 164599 - 164604
F-14 Losses (no BuNos given) | F-14 Loss Statistic | F-14 Losses by date | F-14 Losses by BuNo

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